Will be running 900mg test e for 14 weeks and 100mg Abombs ED for 4 weeks. What will be a good range to go for .25 or .5 be enough in anti estrogen with arimidex? First cycle sex drive was up felt cocky and confident couldnt sleep without busting a nut and would wake up randomly at night to boners then after about week 7 i got itchy nipples and mood started going downhill. so I took A small amount consistently.(didn't Measure but I would guess about .25) And always felt like crap irritated and in a bitchy mood. Was this a sign of high estrogen or too low? First cycle was 600mg test e.
Stats 27
20 % bodyfat
been lifting for a little over 2 years. Eat 600-1000 calories above maintenance. Mainly consists of 1.5 lb red meat. 3 cups raw white rice steamed. And alot of junk food and whey. Get about 200-240g protein, 400 carbs. Don't care about fats. Usually 5 fish oils.
Bench 335 squat 465 deadlift 545.
How much anti estrogen would I need I know Abombs will blow me up with water.
Pct in check.