I haven't been on here in awhile but I was getting ready to do another cycle and wanted to get some advice. I typically do 2 cycles a year (1 winter while bulking and 1 summer while cutting). I also follow the safe protocol of: time on cycle same as time off plus pct time. I have done 3 test only cycles:
Test E at 500mg/week = 12 weeks (cutting)
Test 400 at 800mg/week= 12 weeks (bulking)
Test prop 100mg eod 8 weeks with a DMZ pro hormone (cutting)
HCG at 500iu 2x a week until 2 weeks before pct
typically aromasin 12.5 mg eod as AI
PCT: nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 100/100/50/50
I was wondering if I should continue to do test only cycles. Deca has definitely crossed my mind quit a few times. was thinking of doing test E at 600mg/week and deca 300mg/week. Or should I just continue with test only? Results are still good on test only so should I just keep it at that until I start to see a decrease in gains?
also im 27 and fluctuate at 200lb bf ranges from 9% to about 15-20 depending on time of year