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Thread: injury during cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    injury during cycle

    Can 500 test e per week (250 every 3.5 days) plus 500 iu hcg and .25 anastrozole help with muscle recovery from injury? I essentially pulled every small muscle in my core on my left side, piriformis, hip flexor, lower abdominals, lower back, they are all hurt.

    would i benefit more from continuing my cycle (week 4) or going into pct for a few weeks?

    stats: 5' 9" 185 pounds pressing 245 for reps. no leg stats because of injuries.

  2. #2
    can you still lift if so I'd stay on

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    can you still lift if so I'd stay on
    Yes, but I can't do anything heavy without pain in almost any exercise because I can't really be stable without a core. Physically I can probably still push the weight up, definitely can't go as heavy as I could without this problem.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by RewardingLabor View Post
    Can 500 test e per week (250 every 3.5 days) plus 500 iu hcg and .25 anastrozole help with muscle recovery from injury? I essentially pulled every small muscle in my core on my left side, piriformis, hip flexor, lower abdominals, lower back, they are all hurt.

    would i benefit more from continuing my cycle (week 4) or going into pct for a few weeks?

    stats: 5' 9" 185 pounds pressing 245 for reps. no leg stats because of injuries.
    I just got this stuff to try help heal injury from summer time>

    seems like it might help so I hope so!
    Does high dose test not hinder some healing or something I heard?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    That sux man, nothing worse than being injured on a cycle. Pulled muscles take time to heal. I'd say the smart thing would be to jump off for a couple months, get blood work, and jump back on when back to baseline. That being said- my stubborn ass would probably try to push through it. Like u said, if u stay on
    Stay with light weights. Hard to even do isolation lifts with a core injury I'd suspect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    What happened, squats?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    It's a judgment call.

    But I'm with Swolehead, base your decision on how much you can go and how long you anticipate being down. If you think you'd benefit from a week or two off, take it/them and jump back in. At week four your test is just kicking in and more importantly will be present and functional for about two weeks, even if you discontinued, so use that window to your advantage so that it doesn't have to rebuild in your system. I'd stay light, work heavier on small well isolated muscle groups, i.e., bi's and tri's in braced positions and gradually build as you heal. The alternative is to come off and then wait another month for serum levels to build up.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RewardingLabor View Post
    Can 500 test e per week (250 every 3.5 days) plus 500 iu hcg and .25 anastrozole help with muscle recovery from injury? I essentially pulled every small muscle in my core on my left side, piriformis, hip flexor, lower abdominals, lower back, they are all hurt.

    would i benefit more from continuing my cycle (week 4) or going into pct for a few weeks?

    stats: 5' 9" 185 pounds pressing 245 for reps. no leg stats because of injuries.
    not sure if this relates to your experience, but most steroid related gym injuries are due to insufficient toughening of the body in the gym. which is why we always say not to steroids until after several intense years in the gym.

    look into TB500 for rehab and gym related injuries. you can find the link to my thread in my signature. follow it and start reading up on it.

    Good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Ok so I tried to tough it out for a week but it was unbearable because I naturally just want to go balls out all the time and 2 the test amplifies that side of myself.

    I have continued going to the gym but I have also discontinued the test hcg and anastrozole for the past week.
    I actually feel a bit better (I can reach my foot to tie my shoe) but I am nowhere near 100%

    I am also afraid that I am just less aware of the pain because my body is in off mode right now. I have noticed that I feel a much stronger connection to my body while on the test and I am afraid that I am just not as aware of the injury and no real healing has taken place. I would really appreciate if someone could speak to this point.

    While at the gym i spend about 2/3 of my time stretching to the point of tears. I solved my sciatica by doing this but my back just isn't there yet.

    Some background: I have been really trying hard to remember and I can remember two instances where I think I did this. first was about 2 months ago deadlifting 315 for reps, I felt a tweak and started doing much less on deadlifts from that point forward, but I could still tie my shoes normaly so i didn't give it much thought.
    Then was a few weeks ago I did the rowing machine and then did a full back workout and then did light deadlifts 225 for reps. Thats when it really started in. I got sciatica and the muscles just completely locked up. MRI results show multiple herniations: L4-L5 L3-L4 and a few other minor tweaks. I saw a doc who tells me that over time it is possible for the herniations to shrink down but I'm not sure I feel that happening. I think the muscles around it may be starting to calm down a bit but I also think I just need surgery to fix this thing… Seeing a surgeon on tuesday thank god.

    @magic The only way I can do biceps curls was to lie flat on my back and tie a cable around the bar, but the resistance was so light I did literally more than 1000. (I also learned never to tell myself "I'm gonna do 1000 of something" because I will and it takes forever haha)

    @times i read your whole log, seemed that stuff didn't do much for you for about 3 weeks then suddenly your outlook on it changed. But you also had knee injections around that time so I'm not sure the TB500 did as much as you think in the end of your log. Despite that skepticism i'm gonna try it whether i have surgery or not because it doesn't look like it hurt you in any way.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    While back I was having joint problems on a cycle. It seemed every week was a different joint hurting. I started working out one muscle group per workout( the one that wasn't connected to the f*cked up joint). Abs are a different beast all together. Your core is involved in everything you do. Put some time in there to heal. Main thing is staying positive. Good luck

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