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Thread: deca support

  1. #1

    deca support

    hey broskies next run around im fixing to run some deca along side some test of course. so ive ben researching looks like around 400-600mg of deca is what is typically ran a week. so what do you guys perfer to stay away from prolactin issues Cabergoline or Pramipexole and what dosage???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I prefer caber at .25 mgs twice a week. Prami works well and easy to source but I am not a fan of the nausea I experienced. Most guys take it before bed and if you are a sound sleeper it shouldn't be an issue.

  3. #3
    Control your E2 and prolactin shouldn't be an issue. Having said that I've used prami with good results by titration the dose, takin it at bed time, and taking it with dietary fats.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    SHIT! I forgot to order Prami! ughh...

    anyway If you use AI you might not need it. but I think if you never used deca you should use less..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorge
    SHIT! I forgot to order Prami! ughh... anyway If you use AI you might not need it. but I think if you never used deca you should use less..
    my source is 250mg per ml i guess i could go for 375 seems low i though deca was pretty mild

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    I prefer caber at .25 mgs twice a week. Prami works well and easy to source but I am not a fan of the nausea I experienced. Most guys take it before bed and if you are a sound sleeper it shouldn't be an issue.
    so whats the first sighn of prolactin issues, is there anything that happins or does milk just start squirtin out?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikegilbert1986
    so whats the first sighn of prolactin issues, is there anything that happins or does milk just start squirtin out?
    I have never experienced leaky nips so when I go over 300 mgs with either deca or tren I use caber to be on the safe side . It is true that if you control your e2 you won't have any issues but my sides tend to creep up on me usually late cycle. If I run my AI at .25 eod I feel fine but I most likely will get some sides late in the cycle ..... Switch my AI to .50 eod and I am tired as shit. It's your call and you will get opinions in favor of it and those not in favor........

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    I have never experienced leaky nips so when I go over 300 mgs with either deca or tren I use caber to be on the safe side . It is true that if you control your e2 you won't have any issues but my sides tend to creep up on me usually late cycle. If I run my AI at .25 eod I feel fine but I most likely will get some sides late in the cycle ..... Switch my AI to .50 eod and I am tired as shit. It's your call and you will get opinions in favor of it and those not in favor........
    whats that armidex that makes you lathergic like that?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mikegilbert1986 View Post
    my source is 250mg per ml i guess i could go for 375 seems low i though deca was pretty mild
    Mild in terms of what?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikegilbert1986
    whats that armidex that makes you lathergic like that?
    It's not the type, it's the amount because it's a symptom of your e2 crashing.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Control your E2 and prolactin shouldn't be an issue. Having said that I've used prami with good results by titration the dose, takin it at bed time, and taking it with dietary fats.
    Wrong! What you say isn’t a 100% law. Normally prolactine depends on E2, but not everyone reacts the same way. I was thinking like you, and ****ed up 1 month of cycle, all because caber makes me sick at the beginning, and tried to get rid of gyno by lowering E2. Big fail.
    So my advice, based on my experience is, try to lower E2 first, but if you see gyno is persistent, take caber or prami ASAP. I would take it anyways, for overall well being...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Wrong! What you say isn’t a 100% law. Normally prolactine depends on E2, but not everyone reacts the same way. I was thinking like you, and ****ed up 1 month of cycle, all because caber makes me sick at the beginning, and tried to get rid of gyno by lowering E2. Big fail.
    So my advice, based on my experience is, try to lower E2 first, but if you see gyno is persistent, take caber or prami ASAP. I would take it anyways, for overall well being...
    I have 2 questions for you:

    1) Can you point out to me where I ever said it was 100% or that it was law?

    2) Can you tell me how caber or prami treats gyno in any way, shape, or form? Remember lactating isn't gyno....go.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123
    I have 2 questions for you: 1) Can you point out to me where I ever said it was 100% or that it was law? 2) Can you tell me how caber or prami treats gyno in any way, shape, or form? Remember lactating isn't gyno....go.
    i dident get that either. ai is for e2/gyno and cabar/prami is for prolactin. my mans trippin.

  14. #14
    i might just go with eq all this titi milk is buggin me out.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikegilbert1986
    i might just go with eq all this titi milk is buggin me out.
    Don't let it freak you out. If you want to run the compound and you are still don't have e2 control down to a science ( this is what a lot of guys struggle with a bit and unless you can get bloods drawn constantly it can be a little tough to navigate) then run cab or prami.

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