I am taking Test cyp 1/2 cc 2 times a week for 8 months now. I recently took a month off and took .25mg of Exemestane everyday for a week because my nips got a little sensitive. The sensitivity went away immediately! I now get headaches and dizziness off and on, My blood pressure is 131/76 - 139/80.. What am I doing wrong? Someone told me I could have too much water retention, or I need to come off the Exemestane completely. I did not have this problem with Test alone.. Do I need to do more cardio or take an extra supplement? I don't want to stop taking the Test as I want to bulk some before summer but on the other hand I don't want gyno from sensitive nips or high blood pressure. If anyone has any advise on what I can try or what I'm doing wrong please help me out.
29 yrs old
about 200 lbs
Height 5' 7"
BMI estimated at 17-20%
I work out 4-5 days a week with heavy weights. I try to do 20 mins cardio about 2 times a week after my workouts.
I work as a machinist and I'm pretty active in my job.
I drink alcohol about 2-3 times a month but I do not get hammered..
I drink lots of water/unsweetened green tea
Diet is pretty clean - Fish, chicken, beef, veggies, brown rice.. etc. I stay away from all processed all sugars and carbs as much as possible. Sometimes on weekend I will have a Chinese buffet or chick-fil-a sandwhich.. lol
Thanks again.