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Thread: Tren and BF%

  1. #1
    Olly is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Tren and BF%

    I'm thinking of beginning an 8 week lean mass building cycle of tren /test and my problem is this. I'm currently at about 15% BF and my goal is to drop to 8%. If my diet is clean, will I be able to lower my BF on cycle while building muscle or would you guys recommend first doing a natural cut to drop my BF to my desired levels, then going on cycle.

    If the former is the case, any advice or links around lowering BF and increasing muscle simultaneously while on cycle would be appreciated. Cheers guys.

  2. #2
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    Whats your stats and cycle history?

  3. #3
    Olly is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    25 yrs, 5 ft 9, 185lb. Two previous cycles around two years ago both were: Test E 500mg Tren E 400mg around 14 weeks (also ran Dbol in the first 4 weeks of each). This cycle is going to be far more modest, I'm currently thinking Test E 100mg Tren E 200mg for 8 weeks.

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly
    25 yrs, 5 ft 9, 185lb. Two previous cycles around two years ago both were: Test E 500mg Tren E 400mg around 14 weeks (also ran Dbol in the first 4 weeks of each). This cycle is going to be far more modest, I'm currently thinking Test E 100mg Tren E 200mg for 8 weeks.
    Running enanthate for 8 weeks is not long enough, 12 weeks minimum . If you want to run an weeker then you need to switch to prop and acetate or the very least tes e and tren a. Decide to bulk or cut, you can't add muscle if you are eating at a deficit on a daily basis.

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