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Thread: What are the REAL long term side effects of using AAS?

  1. #1
    iamxclusive is offline New Member
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    What are the REAL long term side effects of using AAS?

    I am 24, and am considering trying a test e cycle. Is there a source where I can find unbiased info regarding the long term health risks as well as infertility?

    I just want to weight out the pros and cons.

  2. #2
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Have you read any of the stickies (educational threads)? There is a ton of information right at your fingertips so you can make an educated decision about ASS use.

  3. #3
    iamxclusive is offline New Member
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    been there.. looking for more scientific articles and not really posts. I have read the stickies.

  4. #4
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You get bigger.
    seriously watch video bigger stronger faster
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  5. #5
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamxclusive
    been there.. looking for more scientific articles and not really posts. I have read the stickies.
    You won't find a lot of scientific studies because there haven't been many performed. Look for W.llewelyns book Anabolics. There is some data in there showing health risks associated with certain dosages but it is limited.

  6. #6
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    Side effects have ALOT to do with dosages, duration, genetics and what you use along cycle for support and what you're using for PCT. If you aren't keeping your blood pressure in check on cycle while someone else is, your side effects will most likely be worse than the other person over a duration of time.
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  7. #7
    iamxclusive is offline New Member
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    I will search and do more research I suppose. also my beard has not fully developed, should I wait when it comes to AAS?

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by derekkpapa1 View Post
    You get bigger.
    seriously watch video bigger stronger faster
    Great documentary.
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamxclusive View Post
    I will search and do more research I suppose. also my beard has not fully developed, should I wait when it comes to AAS?
    Beard is not a good indicator of whether you've fully developed or not. Nobody is gonna recommend you start at 23 (if you're really 23) and you would benefit more from 2 more years of naturally training as well and will probably learn a crap ton in those 2 years so you'll be all ready to start your cycle.

    That being said, i started at 22 and i'm now 23 and if i could go back in time even though i look a lot better now i would have started much later. My testosterone levels were naturally pretty high i was sitting around 8-900 and i always put on muscle pretty quickly but i wanted more just as alot of other people do. What i'm saying is i could have benefited more from these cycles with a couple more years of training.

    For the record i have slowly watched my natural test levels diminish after each pct and getting blood work done. They're still easily in normal range but IMO it's a myth that you recover full after every cycle. There are so many things to keep in mind when cycling and MOST people at our age are not mentally ready yet for that type of responsibility.

    If you're doing it for the women realize that you won't get the most out of it now either. Girls our age are getting easier and easier anyway and (little bro science here) you'd be able to balance your personality out better in your late 20's/early
    30's with an alpha male physique than you would in your early 20's. When you're older you'll just be more mature and won't make it so blatant and you're seeking attention and want people to notice how you look which in turn will make you look even more attractive??? <--I don't know and i'm rambling but i hope you make a smart decision my friend i know alot of people talk lightly about using AAS etc. but it's a very serious thing especially if you aren't financially stable
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  10. #10
    m314 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamxclusive View Post
    I will search and do more research I suppose. also my beard has not fully developed, should I wait when it comes to AAS?
    Growing thicker facial hair is actually one of the side effects of AAS use. It will grow hair on your face, chest, shoulders, back, ass, etc. Pretty much everywhere except on your head.

  11. #11
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    You won't find negative affect of Test on humans. The FDA looks poorly at companies that experiment on humans. Is 20 years long term or 50 years? My training partner's been on gear for over 20 years and he's perfectly healthy for HBP that he inherited from his parents.

  12. #12
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    nobody going to mention long term mental issues? AAS has not just changed me physically but mentally too, my outlook on life and how i am has changed...

  13. #13
    Machdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    nobody going to mention long term mental issues? AAS has not just changed me physically but mentally too, my outlook on life and how i am has changed...
    In a good way or bad?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machdiesel
    In a good way or bad?
    That's actually quite a swerve ball question, let me sleep on it and I'll answer it tomorrow
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  15. #15
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    All in all its been good, changing my body has made me more confident, and in turn lost that kinda little man syndrome thing. Sometimes though, regular people are scared of talking to me because they'll think I'll eat them or something lol, that can be quite disheartening
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  16. #16
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320
    All in all its been good, changing my body has made me more confident, and in turn lost that kinda little man syndrome thing. Sometimes though, regular people are scared of talking to me because they'll think I'll eat them or something lol, that can be quite disheartening
    Wow, this really sums up how I feel ATM

    People think that I am just so unapproachable. This isn't all, but quite a few. At first it seemed kind of cool. But, now I get comments from guys that I say I have amazing dedication & blank stares from women. It's interesting, coming from a guy who no one gave two shits about.

    I have been on for over 3 years now, total. 2 with continues use(bridging with TRT type doses between cycles). My BW is just as good as it was before I even touched any gear. But, it's a bit to maintain. But, in return - ^ that's what I get.

  17. #17
    VladProdigy is offline New Member
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    MR-FQ320 and <<Samson>>, what you guys describe is more the effect that being more well trained and bigger than most people are has on the way others interact with you, and how you feel about it.

    When I was younger, 25+ years ago, I was bigger and more well trained than most people, I experienced the same kind of "don't-show-him-you're-afraid" kind of thing from women which used to annoy me (with time I learned how to show I wasn't dangerous) that <<Samson>> describes, and I did gain more confidence from the new respect I had from guys (I too used to be "the guy who no one gave two shits about). But here's the catch: I didn't use steroids back then. It was merely me being a little bigger and a lot more well trained than most people are, and the same would likely happen today.

    That being said, three years ago when I started getting Test E (due to low levels of natural testosterone ) I did feel a definite change mentally, particularly in that I became more calm and felt more confident in my own skin. I felt more like myself. - But I've always assumed this was because my natural testosterone levels were too low, which is known to provoke various mental changes such as depression, low energy, sense of unease or insecurity, and even anxiety.

    Theory: Perhaps Testosterone can induce the same kind of changes in people who are naturally prone to uneasiness etc., but when we talk about people who are below age 25 changing insecurity by adding extra testosterone to your body system is not the answer because it will interfere with your ability to change naturally....meaning it could make you "addicted" in the sense that if you get used to synthetically feeling confident, taking away the thing that has that effect upon you can make the original confidence problem return no matter what your age, because you never got a chance to develop that confidence (or whatever the issue was) by maturing naturally.
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  18. #18
    JTR12 is offline New Member
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    The problem with this question is that polling won't ever give you an answer as to how AAS will affect you in the long run. Everyone is different. If you found 100 people who have used for 20 years with no problems, that won't necessarily correlate with how you'll feel.

    I have never used AAS, but in does *seem* like problems (heart, BP, blood thickening, liver issues, etc.) are dose-dependent. Getting regular bloodwork and not going nuts with cycles is likely to improve your odds of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  19. #19
    dvd is offline New Member
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    Having used AAS since the late 80's I'd say it boils down to what and how you are taking also your life style outside of AAS. Morbid obestiy will do far more damage than say test or deca usage. Oral tren plus an alcohol fueled party lifestyle will result in a very short lifespan. Add somethimg like DNP or Lasix with someone who isn't careful with their potassium levels and they won't even last a month.

    With the advances in science regarding the HPG axis using triptorelin and/or Kisspeptiin-10 restarting natural testosterone production has never been easier. Although you may find being on TRT in your late 40's a better alternative.

    I personally use low dose long term cycles and believe this is far healthier in the long run then mega dosed cycles. Getting your gear from a clean source that isn't laden with heavy metals helps as well.

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