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  1. #1
    dinosaur770 is offline New Member
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    First time ever using steroids.

    Ok so I've never used steroids before. I've done a bit of research but there is still some things I don't understand concerning cycles and what not. My stats are : 24 yrs old, 6'2 210 lbs. I've worked out before and still is now, so I'm not new to lifting. I really just would like to know answers to the following questions:
    1. How much do steroids in general cost?
    2. How exactly do cycles work? Is it one injection per week? or daily?
    3. Where can I buy the gear at?
    4. I don't plan on looking like Mr. Olympia, I'm just trying to get big enough to where I look good.
    5. How long do the steroids take before I can see results? Also, how long until they wear off and I need to go to the next cycle?

    I understand I'm new and I'm sure to many, I am young. Please don't be mean about the reasons why I can't do it because either way I'm probably going to.

    Thank you very much for all your help!!

  2. #2
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    1. Depends on if you brew them or buy them from an UGL. After initial investment brewing is pennies. UGL is not cheap. Remember this is as illegal as cocaine in the USA.

    2. Depends on your choice of steroids . In general you can get away with 2 pins a week for your first two cycles....or up to 4 a week (both using just one substance). Match your compound esters and you can minimize pins.

    3. Online...go do your source research. Tons of sponsors on sites.

    4. Diet is the key to looking big believe it or not. It is also the key to using steroids.

    5. My first cycle I saw results at week 3 and at 10 weeks it was incredible.

    Read the stickies on this site and you will get a level of knowledge you need. Before you even think about steroids get your diet and nutrition down..or you are just wasting your money.

  3. #3
    dinosaur770 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    1. Depends on if you brew them or buy them from an UGL. After initial investment brewing is pennies. UGL is not cheap. Remember this is as illegal as cocaine in the USA.

    2. Depends on your choice of steroids . In general you can get away with 2 pins a week for your first two cycles....or up to 4 a week (both using just one substance). Match your compound esters and you can minimize pins.

    3. Online...go do your source research. Tons of sponsors on sites.

    4. Diet is the key to looking big believe it or not. It is also the key to using steroids.

    5. My first cycle I saw results at week 3 and at 10 weeks it was incredible.

    Read the stickies on this site and you will get a level of knowledge you need. Before you even think about steroids get your diet and nutrition down..or you are just wasting your money.
    Brew them as in make them myself? Also, what is UGL? what is a compound ester? For diet I'm guessing I'm going to be eating a lot correct?

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinosaur770
    Brew them as in make them myself? Also, what is UGL? what is a compound ester? For diet I'm guessing I'm going to be eating a lot correct?
    Welcome to the forum!!!! All of the questions you have can be answered in the educational threads or "stickies" take some time and read them then come back with your specific questions.

  5. #5
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Have a read at this link then if you have any more Q just ask

    Just for information because you need to learn more ^^^

    No price talk or posting of how much and this is not a source board so you can't ask or post links to web sites that sell AAS. Google is your friend.
    Last edited by clarky.; 12-04-2014 at 03:50 PM.

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Welcome to the forum!!!! All of the questions you have can be answered in the educational threads or "stickies" take some time and read them then come back with your specific questions.
    ^^^ this. and take your time, make sure you completely get it before you plan anything

  7. #7
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinosaur770 View Post
    Brew them as in make them myself? Also, what is UGL? what is a compound ester? For diet I'm guessing I'm going to be eating a lot correct?
    Some people brew their own gear, the boffins amongst us.

    UGL is underground lab as apposed to Pharmaceutical

    Ester, easiest way to explain it is, some aas can take a few hours/days to peak once injected therefore need to be injected every day or every other day, others can take a much longer and therefore only need to be injected once or twice weekly...

    You need to eat the right foods, and lots of them
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #8
    dinosaur770 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Some people brew their own gear, the boffins amongst us.

    UGL is underground lab as apposed to Pharmaceutical

    Ester, easiest way to explain it is, some aas can take a few hours/days to peak once injected therefore need to be injected every day or every other day, others can take a much longer and therefore only need to be injected once or twice weekly...

    You need to eat the right foods, and lots of them
    Thank you very much I appreciate it

  9. #9
    jeep187's Avatar
    jeep187 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm relatively new to this myself. All I can say is research research research and more research. I relied on a friend and my source for guidance in my first cycle. Big mistake. My use to be source was more concerned about money and my friend didn't know as much as I thought he did. Luckily everything turned out good. When I first started I had no idea how complex this is. Give it some time and you'll understand all of the stuff that use to be

  10. #10
    jeep187's Avatar
    jeep187 is offline Associate Member
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    Good luck bro!

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