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Thread: Andriol/anavar

  1. #1
    Thisshawnguy is offline New Member
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    Dec 2014


    Hey Everyone,

    I was fortunate enough to acquire some pharm grade andriol . I'm a first time user and I have done considerable research and have left myself in a bit of a mess. I'm hoping to get some advice on how to properly get myself back on track.

    Here it is... Iv been taking 6-8 caps per day for about 3 months. Iv had massive strength gains and increased my lean muscle mass significantly. I have also used anavar to bridge between resuply.

    I am wondering if anyone would recommend me using arimidex while I am using this stuff and nolvadex as PCT. I still have tons more of the andriol and I could potentially increase my daily intake or continue my cycle. Basically I am just looking for recommendations on the most effective way to use the gear I have. Should I stop my cycle and do a PCT and start again in 12 weeks or can I continue? Do you think I need a pct?

    I know that andriol has absorption issues, but I have found that if you eat proper foods with the pills it is fairly effective. I know I'm a rookie and hopefully you don't get offended by my ignorance. I was in a bad car accident and this stuff has saved my life.

  2. #2
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would start pct immediately. Try clo@ 100/50/50/50 and nov@ 40/40/20/20. All oral cycles are not advised and the base of all cycle should be an injectable tes.

  3. #3
    m314 is offline Junior Member
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    Andriol is an expensive way to avoid getting over a needle phobia. Learn how to inject, and you'll get better results next cycle at a fraction of the price. Injecting test e or test c twice a week will give you stable blood levels too. That means less side effects when your testosterone and estrogen levels aren't going on a daily rollercoaster ride.

    I would stop this cycle and start PCT right away if it has been 3 months. Definitely use an AI like arimidex or aromasin next time.

  4. #4
    m314 is offline Junior Member
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    edit - double post

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good luck with ANDRIOL . Never had much luck with it at any dose.

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    If andriol works for you, that's great.
    But after 3 months it is time to come off and start PCT. Run a standard Nolva and Clomid (there are other possible combinations) PCT. Then take a few months off and do it again if you want.

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