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Thread: **After cycle training...**

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day

    **After cycle training...**

    I would like to know. I have read and been told differnet things. So after your cycle how do your train? Try to go heavy? or lighten the weight and raise the reps or what?? I have read two different things. I have just finished my cycle this will be my first week off and I am wondering the right way to do it. Thanks

    I am going to try and post pics tomorrow of before and after. Its hard to tell on your self unless you got pics thats for sure. Because I didnt think I had changed much. I knew I was getting stronger. But size wise I didnt think. Like I said I am going to post and see what yall think.

    Also would like to think this whole board for all the help over the past few week. I was nervous as mofo starting and learning this stuff. I have learn a ton.

    Thanks again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Best way is to keep your workouts short, under an hour or so.

    As far as weight, just try to watch it - see how strength goes. - In my case, post 1st cycle my strength actually went up. Which I thought was a bit odd. But, I ate even heavier & gained more shit weight.

  3. #3
    I would think there is a big difference between guys on PCT and guys going back to PCT or cruising.
    The latter could obviously train at a higher intensity IMHO.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 12-07-2014 at 10:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    Yea I havent really came up with a game plain on what I am going to do just yet. I wanna keep getting stronger for sure. I also need to tighten up.

    I gained some fat while I was on cycle so I plan to cut Maybee start of the year or when I know I have keep as much gains I can.

  5. #5
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    I let my body and my strength dictate what my workouts continue to be like. Since I don't PCT I only return back to my cruise dose I continue working out just as hard as when I'm blasting. I'll notice as time continues that my strength won't be quite as great as on the blast and that just kind of dictates how much weight I use and how hard it goes. Hell even on cruise doses testosterone levels are so much higher than the average Joe in the jam why not keep on utilizing

  6. #6
    I go to medium weights and more reps. The increase in cardio during workout seems to keep the fat away longer.

  7. #7
    saMe I train powerlifting on cycle bodybuilding lighter high reps off cycle

  8. #8
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    It's tough to resists the temptation of trying to see how close you can get to your on cycle poundages post pct....... You can't tell me know one has tried it. Here's the problem with that approach first off your joints won't be able to handle it and secondly your body just got hammered for 10-16 weeks (depending on cycle length). Shoot for 80% of what you were getting on cycle in terms of poundages and cut the volume back a bit. Your body needs a planned recovery routine.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What built the new muscle will keep the muscle so keep that in mind. There is no need to alter anything drastically if you have been training intensely during the on period you can help to maintain the new found gains with a slight alteration. If you implement more rest days and make sure your C.N.S gets enough recovery time and keep the training sessions down to around 30-45 mins . Long workouts lower testosterone to cortisol ratio, so don't go for long workouts no matter how strong or fit you may feel, short and fast will help with recovery without further stress on your system. Keep pushing the poundage but lower the intensity slightly and keep the workouts shorter and implement more rest days and you will be in the best position in keeping the new found muscle and also help your body recover.

    Still concentrate on the basic heavy movements also make sure give more attention on the eccentric part of the lift because this causes most of the muscle fibre damage, There are many other ways of training to help recovery but this method does have great benefits by making the workout shorter and the muscle being hit in a different way. Further gains can be achieved if careful planning is done of your training sessions

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Thanks ALOT Marcus.

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