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Thread: "The Pump" Training on AAS vs Natural.

  1. #1

    "The Pump" Training on AAS vs Natural.

    The thesis is this: I suspect that when on some AAS drugs that there is actually a qualitative change in the form/function of muscle mass.

    We all know AAS makes muscle tissue grow, but I am considering that there is another change that I feel may be happening, and it relates to the pump when training. When on AAS recently I am getting INSANE pumps, its great, I think I am experiencing something like what Arnold famously speaks about in pumping iron.

    It seems to me like it is MORE than just an increase in overall size, it feels like there is a greater ability for my muscle to hold blood and pump up. When I compare times when I am similar weight/strength but on AAS the PUMP is profoundly different.

    Reading has told me that many new and old school bodybuilders from Arnold, Zane right up to Rich Piana all speak about training SPECIFICALLY for the goal of the pump. So it appears bodybuilders have been training differently when on AAS to account for this possible or perceived change in function.

  2. #2
    I got sick and was off of cycle for a while I went back to the gym and there was no "pump" to speak of. I got tired so fast I never had a chance to get a pump. When I'm on cycle I have so much more endurance I can pump my muscles until they's totally stretched out. It's the red blood cells. Some guys have to voluntarily IV out blood because they have too much blood.

  3. #3
    Very good point, we do know there is an increase in RBC's and blood volume, so yes that is a logical explanation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It has nothing to do with increased blood volume. Androgens increase glucose uptake and glycogen stores. They increase creatine phosphate storage and ATP production. They improve coordination and improve one's ability to recruit muscle fibers during contraction, therefore using your muscles to their full potential.

    This explains the increased pumps and rapid strength gains from AAS that are not accounted for by actual hypertrophy.

    Also, androgens increase the amount of blood made available to muscles during exercise through peripheral vasodilation (a feature of the sympathetic nervous system response).
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-08-2014 at 11:15 PM.

  5. #5
    I read a few articles, some authored by Frank Zane (in his book), and another interview on subject by Rich Piana- where Zane talks about training without AAS, following a goal of progressive strength grains with a 5x5 type program to failure on working sets.

    He/they advocate a different approach when training with AAS- a training session that focus's entirely on the pump. To obtain this he talks about going SUB-maximal (not to failure) with even (up to) 40 reps on some exercises. So on the subject of AAS some very legendary athletes train all out for MAX PUMP!

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