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Thread: Fina

  1. #1


    Hi, Im on Finaplix-h 1 ml 34mg every second day..... monday/wednesday/friday ect......
    I've been on it for 1 1/2 weeks, and noticed a certain hardness in my muscle. Maybe because i train harder, but cutting to the point is I don't feel strength. Some people told me wait when you get to week 3 you will feel it. So are they right or what?
    I have a proper nutrition with lots of protein intake. What do you all think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    34mg every second day? I think that dose is too small to really do anything for you, honestly. I would say 100mg eod minimum, preferably 75mg ed for best results. I didn't notice any strength increases until around week three, but I also shoot 75mg ed and 75mg of prop ed. Are you stacking the fina with anything else?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You are only administering about 120mg per week (@34mg EOD) of a light ester steroid. Is this the only gear you are on? That's only about enough to shut down your endogenous androgens - don't expect any huge difference in your training. You should rethink what you are doing...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I don't care what your are using... if you want to administer 120mg per week - stay natural... your body can meet your demands without any exogenous support.

    How much do you weigh/BF?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    In my house, with my wife and my kids...and my dog
    Wow. Why only 34mg EOD? Its JMHO but I don't think you're going to get anything at all from that........ Is there a reason you're going so light? Are you using any other AAS? If you're going to only use 34mg EOD, you should just stay natural.
    Last edited by JasonNew-b; 06-17-2003 at 10:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    First. Are you saying that your concentration is 34 mgs per ml? If so that concentration is very low. When making my own had trouble getting it below 100 mgs. Anyways you need to be using at least 75 mgs every other day. So if you concentration is that low you need to be shooting 2 cc eod. Even better icc everyday but thats more sticks. Bump up your dose bro. And a little test would be nice when your dick goes south for the winter.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    Bro - bottom line, you need to do WAY more research.... hell, at this point I'd recommend you STOP what you're doing before you waste anymore, start clomid therapy and do some reading up on fina cycles. It's in your best interest physically as well as financially.

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