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  1. #1
    earthling is offline New Member
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    First REAL cycle Test P + Var

    Hi All,
    This is my second post after having used all the constructive criticism received on the first drafted cycle in order to come up with this one.
    Quick background check:

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 230lbs 16~18% BF
    Training experience: Well over 10 years
    Blood work: Precycle done. Planned another one half way through, and around two weeks after PCT
    Cycle experience: Ran var only a couple of times. It was stupid but had no impact (blood work confirmed it)

    - Test P 100mg EOD W1-8 (and possibly extend to W10 if everything goes alright)
    - Possibly run HCG 250ius twice a week W1-8 (Same day as Test, just a different shot)
    - Anavar 60mg ED W3-8 (and possibly extend to W10 if everything goes alright)
    - Arimidex 0.25mg EOD W1-8

    - Starts 3 days after last Test P shot
    - Clomid 50/50/50/50
    - Nolva 40/40/20/20
    - Additionally, I will run a test booster like animal test for 6 straights weeks starting from day 1 of the PCT

    The reason why I'm running Test P is to have a shorter ester and be able to control things if they go wrong. I know pinning EOD will be a pain that I'll have to endure

    Ok so any final thoughts, especially the PCT (is the PCT too much or too little? will it have any adverse affect on the libido by any chance?) Should I run HCG from day 1 or let a couple of weeks pass first? Is 0.25mg EOD of Arimidex enough or should I increase it to 0.5?


  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Pinning eod for a first cycle will be a pain.
    You can add your HCG in the same pin as your prop on week one.
    Why the anavar on your first cycle?
    Lose the test booster. Some are suppressive of natural test production.
    I'd run clomid at 100 the first week.
    Always a risk for libido issues when hormones are in flux. Won't know until you get there.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    chris_columbia's Avatar
    chris_columbia is offline Associate Member
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    Nolva looks good, clomid I would run for 100 the first week, it won't have any adverse effect on the libido, a stronger pct will help bring that libido back up quicker , the test booster is a waste of money IMO but If you want to run it, go ahead no one's stopping you, rum hcg from day one, it's better to keep the boys going good than having to reverse atrophy, 0.25mg of arimidex is a good starting dose, but it is dependent person to person, if you feel lIke 0.25 mg isn't doing it bump to 0.5 but I wouldn't go to 0.5 at first.

  4. #4
    gold43's Avatar
    gold43 is offline Associate Member
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    That won't be enough adex if your cycling at 18% BF. Its not a guessing game with AI dosage. When you feel like shit you will know E2 is off. You need to learn to dial in your AI dose to your sweet spot. Dose your AI the same for 2 weeks. Then get a blood panel. See where your E2 is. From there you adjust dosage and repeat if needed. Your sweet spot will be when you wake up with an erection everyday and libido is thru the roof. If not, then your E2 is too high or too low.

  5. #5
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    BW 2 weeks after pct is way too soon.
    plan it at 6 weeks after.

    your arimidex may be fine adjust if needed.

    you can start anavar from day 1

    dont finish anavar week 10 if you stop prop at weeks 8... whats the point of keep taking anavar when pcting...

    except that its ok.

    but I did a first cycle of prop and EOD injection isnt funny when you start...

    If I were to do a first cycle again I would use test-e...

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would run clo at 100 for the first week. Drop the tes booster as advised benefit. Adex at. 25 eod to start, if mid cycle blood's come back with e2 climbing then go to ..50 e3d prior to. 50 eod.

  7. #7
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I would run clo at 100 for the first week. Drop the tes booster as advised benefit. Adex at. 25 eod to start, if mid cycle blood's come back with e2 climbing then go to ..50 e3d prior to. 50 eod.
    I ran arimidex at 1mg/day for 3 weeks at just 250mg test and my E2 was still in range(in the low end but sill in range)
    crashing E2 with arimidex isnt that easy.
    I would go with .5 EOD right ahead if e2 is too high.

    just my .02

  8. #8
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I could swear i posted in this thread... maybe you posted this at another forum..
    anyway PLEASE consider juts using teste ro cyp for 12-14 weeks over testp!
    this is not tren ..
    use an AI to "avoid issues"

    Good luck!

  9. #9
    earthling is offline New Member
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    I'll be using Test P at 50mg per 1mL (a single shot of 2mL containing 100mg). I think this lowers chances for PIP in a good way.

    So on the PCT, do you guys think I should run both SERMs Clomid and Nolva for this cycle? Also is front-load of Clomid highly advisable, or is it going to be an overkill?

    Also is it better to start Adex at 0.25mg, and increase if needed, or start it off at just 0.5mg and maintain throughout the cycle (except if needed to up the dose)

    Instead of running a test booster during the PCT, I'm thinking of DAA + Tribulus and ZMA. what are your thoughts?


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