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Thread: Thinking about starting my first (and only) cycle at eighteen years of age

  1. #1
    gougeru is offline New Member
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    Jan 2015

    Thinking about starting my first (and only) cycle at eighteen years of age

    I'm eighteen years old, have been weight training on and off for the past three years, and have taken a great interest in gears. I gotten some Testosterone Enthante and nolvadex for my first cycle, but after reading that it may cause irreversible damage to people in my age, I am reluctant to start the cycle.

    I was planning on doing one cycle and one cycle only, if I were to do just one cycle, would I cause irreversible damage? I regret buying the gears, but since I blew money on it, I want to research the risks and benefits of taking the gears.

    My diet has always been proper, I've bulked and cut, and I don't have health issues or potential health issues. If you guys could give me your advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Cody95's Avatar
    Cody95 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gougeru View Post
    I'm eighteen years old, have been weight training on and off for the past three years, and have taken a great interest in gears. I gotten some Testosterone Enthante and nolvadex for my first cycle, but after reading that it may cause irreversible damage to people in my age, I am reluctant to start the cycle.

    I was planning on doing one cycle and one cycle only, if I were to do just one cycle, would I cause irreversible damage? I regret buying the gears, but since I blew money on it, I want to research the risks and benefits of taking the gears.

    My diet has always been proper, I've bulked and cut, and I don't have health issues or potential health issues. If you guys could give me your advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
    What are your stats? You should not cycle at your age, you will regret it in the future.

  3. #3
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yes you could still do permanent damage even if you did manage to only do one cycle, which not many people do. Just be patient and either off load the gear to a user or stash it for when you're ready.

  4. #4
    gougeru is offline New Member
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    No offense, but I appreciate an answer more intricate than "you will regret it in the future." I read about the risks about taking it in my age, but it has little to no medical backing other than reference to other scientific studies that could be related to increase hormonal intake. I'm not planning on taking a bucket load roids, just a cc a week.

    I don't mean to sound hostile, at the moment, I'm leaning towards NOT taking them.

  5. #5
    gougeru is offline New Member
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    Bleh, really? If it's that bad, I'll store em for awhile and wait until I'm old enough.

  6. #6
    chris_columbia's Avatar
    chris_columbia is offline Associate Member
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    At you age introducing an artificial hormone in the body could cause an imbalance, which you've already shown knowledge of, but with the imbalance comes the possibility of never regainingcomplete equilibrium with your bodys natural production of test, estrogen, etc.. with that being said the testosterone , once Introduced into your body will tell your brain: "Hey man, I have enough testosterone you can quit producing all that shit!" Balls: "Alright bro, thanks for the heads up!" So your natural production of test will be shutdown when on cycle, the thing is when you run a proper pct of nolva+ clomid , which helps bring your natty test levels back to normal, you run the chance your one of the people who don't respond to a pct and end up on TRT the rest of your life, also at 18 your growth plates are NOT fully fused together unless your genetically blessed and running steroids whilst growth plates aren't fused, may just take your growth, and tell it to stop, meaning the height your at now, you better be happy with before you cycle, because there's a chance you may never grow to be any taller than that. Also your HPTA (hyphypothalamus pitituary axis) is way under developed , it doesn't fully develop until your 25 (for the most part) that puts you right back at square one, with the hpta not fully developed your chances of restoring pre-cycle test levels, arent that great.
    I am not a vet but I think that pretty much sums everything up in a dumbed down way, I could've just linked you to but I genuinely care about youthe who feel steroids may be a good route, and I want you to make the smart, responsible decision, we were all young once and know what it's like to feel like you know pretty much everything about something, but listening to people with experience beats any amount of research you can do online, welcome to the forums, we're here to help, and always will be.
    Khazima, gougeru, ojm3 and 1 others like this.

  7. #7
    gougeru is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the detailed post, Chris. I appreciate it a lot!

    I'm always trying to improve myself, but in this case, the many risks completely outweigh the few benefits. And my justification is too weak to justify taking steroids . Thank you for taking your time to educate me, I will not use the steroids and will hold off until I'm older and I have completely exhausted my natural gains.
    Khazima and chris_columbia like this.

  8. #8
    ojm3 is offline Associate Member
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    Glad to heat it buddy your making the right decision!

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gougeru View Post
    Bleh, really? If it's that bad, I'll store em for awhile and wait until I'm old enough.
    That would be your best option. Keep thinking about it and learning for the next 5-6 years. Focus on diet and training. People are not just feeding you a line, they are speaking from experience be it personal or from watching others.

  10. #10
    jamcity is offline Junior Member
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    It's hard for kids to understand and listen when there's supper stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger who started out younger then him ! It could mess you up, or you could end up the governor of California. Just saying. The best advice is wait .....

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