I am starting cycle log for the cycle I am starting tomorrow. This will be my 4th cycle. I am a personal trainer and certified nutritionist so I am familiar with all the necessary workout and diet programs to accompany my cycle. This will be my first time posting on a forum and am doing so to help those looking for information like I always do on different and most successful cycles. My goal is to straight up gain THE MOST MASS POSSIBLE. PERIOD. I am open and interested In ANY feedback and opinions on dosage, length of time, PCT, etc.. My cycle is as follows;

Dbol liquid oral: 50mg/day
Anadrol liquid oral: 50mg/day
Sustanon 250L: 250mg EOD
Deca : 200mg 2xweek

I also have 2 10ml vials of Test Prop and 2 10ml vials of Test Enanthate . I injected 400mg of Test prop tonight and will inject 100ml a day of it for the first 6 days as a frontload/kickstart. I also have 2 10ml vials of TREN Enanthate but after researching have come to the conclusion that running Tren AND Deca TOGETHER is a no no...and that Deca will be a better choice over Tren as far as straight bulking is concerned, so I will use the TREN with my next cycle or later in this cycle when I am trying to reduce any bloat/water retention and increase strength. My diet is currently being finalzed but I am going to aim for 4,000-6,000 calories a day, 6-8 meals a day. I am financially "blessed" and will be able to buy all the proper food and supplemets I need to go along with the cycle. Any input and opinions/feedback is appreciated to help me finalize and perfect this cycle. Like I said, money is no object, so basically I am looking for you guys to help be build and apply the "PERFECT" cycle for straight mass gain. I will post ALL PROGRESS and information requested!!!!!!

I am 31 years old. I am a disabled Veteran who served 2 years in Iraq, 2004-2005.
I am 195lbs around 15& BF
Lets build a beast!!!! lol