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Thread: looking for adavnced and expert advice for a cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    looking for adavnced and expert advice for a cycle.

    i'm looking to get a little stronger and alot faster for the upcoming football season. i've been training and running like i should and i've also been taking 1 shot of sus 250 and 2 shot of fd eq for about 6 weeks now. i have 8 weeks until we start practice and i'm looking to get some advice on what i should take to get just a little stronger but also trim down a bit so i'm more mobile. i can get just about any steriod but don't really know what to take. it seem like when i take test it makes my lower back hurt or get really tight when i run sprints. i just was wondering if anyone could offer me suggestions to help me out on the athletic side of things rather than bodybuilding. any response would be appriciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, ok let me get this straight? Right now ur 6 weeks into a 250mgs sust, and 400mgs eq cycle? Well first off 250mgs of sust a week is a waste IMHO. Id bump the sust up another 250mgs and run ur cycle to week 12. U maybe holding water is the reason for the back pain? Are u running any nolvadex, arimidex or femara with ur cycle? If not i recommend any of the three to help with water retension. For speed u could add some winny into ur cycle? Like around week 9 u could add 50mgs of winny ed and run that for 6 weeks? Hope this helps. Good luck!


  3. #3
    Bro...What OG had to say is spot on. The lower back pain maybe a coincidence that you happen to feel it when runnning test. It could be from hitting a nerve with your injections. That happens sometimes when you inject gluts.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    You just need to run more to break up your muscles in your legs. Stretch more throughout the week. I would work on your speed as much as possible. Your playing high school football right? Speed is everything. You should get that sust 250 up to 500-750. og packin was right on with everything.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    well i'm not taking nolvadex but i have some but how many should i take and for how long. oh yea about the nerve in the glutes is there anywhere else you would recommend for injections. what is better for winny tabs or injectable, and i'm a college football player, for Iowa Boy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bro, if this is HS football we're talking about, you're too young. And it is clear you did not do enough research.
    But since you've already started, go with OG, he was right on.
    Remember if you're gonna jump into something, like AS, early, you better do a shitload of research.
    Good luck bro.


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