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  1. #1
    Phoenix2015 is offline Associate Member
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    Ar-r Clomid and Novadex dose conversion, and source checking basics

    I posted a while back asking for an evaluation of my first ever cycle and I received a lot of useful feedback: I really do appreciate it! I've decided on a basic austinite test-e cycle with anavar for the first 2 weeks ed till it kicks in. My PCT consists of Clomid and Novadex in the following config:

    Clomid @ 75/50/50/50 & Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20

    Finding sources is a painstaking process but following the literature on the forum, tortuous research is preferred to a buttock abscess needing IV antibiotics. However, after going around in circles, I finally came across Ar-r on the forum. (I know this is a fine line I'm walking but I feel it's kosher since Ar-r is listed as a forum sponsor.)
    After combing the forum, it seems that their clomid and novadex are HQ but in terms of conversion, are Ar-r clomid&novadex doses milligram equivalents to their tablet counterparts?

    Secondly, in terms of source checking... As of now, the only sources that I have found are online and I'm completely flabbergasted by all the possible great options and cunning scams. I know that I'm not even eligible to request a source check yet but when I am, I would like to know the proper etiquette. So based on anecdotal experience;

    Which staff members should I ask?
    How many sources can be checked per request i.e. can I just lump all my sources in 1 PM or is it best to request that each source be checked differently?
    Will staff members source check websites or are they limited to other modes of acquisition?

    I know that I must have made a few mistakes on this post i.e the section I posted the thread, naming sources etc but damn I'm just so confused. I'm literally a forum virgin (this is my first forum ever!!!) I've never had a FB, twitter, Myspace etc So please forgive me in advance for my mistakes and as usual, I'll take your critiques in stride and implement them.

  2. #2
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If I were you I would just wait until the time comes.

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Arr is the same - yes.
    As far as source checks that is dependent upon the person. Some do them, some dont, it is at their individual discretion. Take your time, research. Ignore any pms you get after people read this thread saying ''xyz" source is good as even though you dont know it you just set yourself up to be scammed or misled.

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