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  1. #1
    bdsuperman79 is offline New Member
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    weight training in your 30's and juice

    Hey guys, im a 35 year old male and have been training for 20 years. Ive also juiced on and off for the past 10 years. I actually feel like i cant train without the aid of gear. I get alot of aches and pains more easily now, and cant recover as fast. Ive always trained heavy and now i train moderately between 8-12 reps. So this is what i take to help me: sustanon250 every 3rd day, for strength increased recovery time and increased libido. Deca durabolan 400mg per week, for joint releif and appetite stimulant. And last, i throw in some dbol for strength and size, it also helps my joints. Im curious as to what helps/works for you guys in your 30s? Also, i was considering taking low dose GH at 2 iu per day. Any thoughts or comments? Thanks

  2. #2
    JAYROD's Avatar
    JAYROD is offline Senior Member
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    i'm a few years older than you and absolutely you get more "nagging" small aches and pains and they do seem to linger a little longer than before but sure you can lift without gear. I think it's really a mental thing. I still mostly use my go to test & dbol with the same results I got 10 years ago with the exception on having to do a little more cardio than before but i'm sure that's purely a change in metabolism. I know i'll have to change things down the road but that's just part of the journey. I've got a buddy my age that just started gh because he is getting up and age and it might work for him but I haven't considered it for myself.

  3. #3
    bdsuperman79 is offline New Member
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    Just curious, whats your test and dbol dosages?

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Are you looking to train more pain free or asking what we think about your cycle. I am 44 and cycles really dont change based on age. What I have noticed that helped me train a little more pain free was to take a hard look at my technique on some exercises. For example.....benching too wide, using wraps, finally getting rid of the belt........all those things helped me. Now my shoulders dont ache as much, my grip is better and my lower back is much stronger.

  5. #5
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    43 and for me...I think it actually removes excessive stress during workout. My muscle development are swimmers type muscles and the reduced bulk from those makes it harder to push the same weight some bulky guy would do easily. Anavar gives a small pump but it impacts me a lot due to the type of muscle tissue I have. I am looking forward to Dbol at the end of this cycle to see if the extra pump even further helps me press weights without the red face strain. So for me the pump part is big. The actual pain reduction....NPP helps my nagging injuries.

  6. #6
    frostfire is offline New Member
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    30-35 is a mans prime in MMA heavyweight division, and usually in powerlifting as well, you shouldn't be having a problem quite yet, get some blood work done maybe.

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