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Thread: Test Only Cycle (first time)

  1. #1
    PumpRipplinTone is offline New Member
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    Test Only Cycle (first time)

    This is my first time doing a cycle and I'm looking for some advice and opinions. First il tell you a little bit about myself I'm 26, 6'1ft and 181lb. I've been working out for around 3 and a half years now. When I started I weighed 150-155lb, I'm now at the point where I've hit a wall and decided to take it a step further and a do a test only cycle(400/10-14weeks). I have test 400, arimidex , hgc, chlomid and nolvadex . Any suggestions on what might cycle might look like and any other suggestions or things I should look out for?


  2. #2
    jolter604's Avatar
    jolter604 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    well as long as u have researched everything you should good,you have everything you are you going to dose your adex and your pct?I had to wait because I did not have bac water for my hcg and i needed 10ml empty vials to mix it in.just make sure you have EVERYTHING you need before you start.I was told to get extra novadex for gyno and i did even with 25 mg of aromasin eod i got ache nipples 5th week.and i had my extra nova got it under control.just make sure you are 100 % ready.good luck
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  3. #3
    ojm3 is offline Associate Member
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    If you hit a wall it's time to focus on diet and switching your gym routine up. 181 lbs at 6'1 is kinda light. What's your BF?

  4. #4
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    To be honest I would hold off on the cycle until you really have your diet under control. At your current bodyweight you have a ways to go and a cycle will be a waste. Learn to eat....gain some solid weight. The mid 190's should be absolutely no problem......then consider cycling.

  5. #5
    PumpRipplinTone is offline New Member
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    Jan 2015
    Thank's for the replies I plan on doing something like this:

    400mg test ew (10-14weeks)

    arimidex 0.5eod

    hgc 500-1000iu ed for 2-3 weeks leaving atleast 7 days between ending it and started pct

    day 1 - 100mg chlomid + 40mg nolva

    next ten days - 50 chlomid + 20 nolva

    final ten days - 50 chlomid or 20mg nolva

    Milk thistles through out

    My body fat% is between 10-15 I don't gain f all fat even if I eat junk. But my diet consists of serloin steak, chicken, some mince meat, tuna and eggs. Brown rice, pasta, sweet and normal potatoe, spinach, broccoli. Asparagus, multii grain and seeded wraps, apples and bananas. Roughly 3-4.5 litres if water and rarely drink anything else. Is it really going to make that much difference gaining 10lb and then starting my cycle?

    Thank again

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