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Thread: how to have gear tested?

  1. #1

    how to have gear tested?

    i was just wondering how i would go about getting gear tested, i've read a lot of posts where people talk about having gear analyzed, and i don't think it sounds like a bad idea.
    the reason being is my boy picked up some primos that i'm a little skepticle about. the reason being is he's running the same exact cycle he did last year just with different primos. last year he had the paper labels, and this year he's doing the clear ones with the green writing. he has had very good gains on both cycles, only the paper label primos seem to have been a lot more effective last year than the clear one's this year. i'm wondering if maybe the clear one's were under dosed, or perhaps the paper labels aren't actually real primo's but maybe primotestan?
    does this sound logical to any one? has anybody ever heard anything like this before?
    they came from a trusted source both times, so i know the clear one's are real, maybe it just so happened that the paper labels weren't actually primobolan depot?

    let me know what you think
    i might just be jumping to conclusions, but you never know nowerdays


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In Canada you can go to a University and have it done...I had dbol tested for free!!!!!!

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