I have a question for a friend of mine. I told him I would find out on here what would be the best. My friend plays football for a college and cant taken anything that will sta in his system long. He is about to do a Winny only cycle. Then he decided he wanted to put a low dose of D-bol in there. But, he says he doesnt want to get the bloat face look. I told him to not do the d-bol because of the gyno and water retention and stacking it w/ the Winny would sorta cancel its self out.He is planning to do Clomid therapy after.
My question is:
1.what would be a a good stack for him to get on that would get out of his sytem fast w/ little to no water retention?
2. If he were to get on the D-bol/Winny cycle would taking Nolvadex @ 20 g e.d. help the water retention?
3.. Would the Winny only cycle be the best choice?