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Thread: ROM Issue While Cycling?

  1. #1
    Newbie980's Avatar
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    ROM Issue While Cycling?

    I have been slowly losing my range of motion since starting on my first cycle.

    Yes I do stretch, I try to stretch at least once a day but don't do it religiously. Even so, I still do it quite often, probably 5 times a week.

    I am amazed how much range of motion I have lost. I cant scratch my back anymore, can hardly put socks on, the list goes on. I am even losing range of motion in my fingers, wrist and neck. Does anyone have any insight on this? It seems really weird, everyone is pretty baffled by it. I have searched else where on the internet with no luck.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    And how much size have you put on? It could also be due to water weight/bloat causing restriction. Stretching should be done before, during and after working out to help with ROM.

    Is there any pain associated with it or just loss of ROM?

  3. #3
    Newbie980's Avatar
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    Yes there is some pain associated with it. It feels like I have an INSANE amount of muscle tension and it can be irritating and even somewhat painful. And like I said, in conjunction with that, the amount of range of motion that I have lost is quite substantial. And I have lost it almost everywhere on my body.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Whats your AI protocol?

  5. #5
    Newbie980's Avatar
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    Nothing. Don't chew me out too bad, but I was told I wouldn't need an inhibitor for this cycle. What do you think the issue is?

  6. #6
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Water retention due to high E2.

    Dont follow anymore advice from whoever told you this.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Water retention due to high E2.

    Dont follow anymore advice from whoever told you this.
    Ok. Whats going to be best to solve the issue? I'm done the cycle in one week. Should I follow my PCT and continue on training and stretching as normal and the ROM issue should dissipate?

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Yes just do PCT for now and get blood work about 6+ weeks after PCT. More than likely it's water weight because it's near impossible and even more improbable to gain 30 lbs of muscle. You will be lucky if it's 50/50.

    Another good thing is to stop listening to whoever it was that told you an AI would not be needed.

    What is your PCT plan?

    You need to read the sticky links at the top of the forum explaining how to do a proper cycle and pct.
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  9. #9
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    Yes I agree with you two. After reading the forms I'm starting to realize that I have been taking advice from someone who isn't informed. And that's my bad. I wish I found these forms first.

    PCT will be Clomid & Nolvadex for 2 weeks at 75 mg and 40 mg respectively and then another 2 weeks at 50 mg and 20 mg.

  10. #10
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    That should work. Yeah it doesnt take long to realize there is a lot to learn and that most people at the gym are really clueless even though they may not look bad, you really never know what else is going on you dont see on the surface.

    How many guys do you know who admit they use Viagra or Cialis? Probably not many although they are one of the highest sold RX in the US not counting the black market ones, right? Guys/people dont like to share negative or admit they have made mistakes or got burned buying bunk gear. I can tell you Ive made more than my share of mistakes and been burned more than once and this forum has taught me more in a couple of years (actually months) than I had learned or though I knew the previous 30+

    Make sure you drink plenty of water. The more water you drink the less your body will hold. Also keep the salt to a minimum since it makes you hold water also. Eat food and dont rely on shakes to get your protein.
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  11. #11
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    Thanks for all the advice, I really appreciate it.

    Ill be the first to admit that I made a mistake. Luckily the loss of ROM is the only issue Ive noticed and hopefully the only one I will experience.

    Ill do my PCT and get my blood work to make sure everything is in order. And my 2nd cycle will be flawless as I'm going to be spending a lot of time reading these forums.
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  12. #12
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    I would still get some arimidex or stane, that is if you can get it fast before pct.

    High E2 in males is quite bad on your health and is not something you would want to ignore.

    Check your blood pressure too.

  13. #13
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum! As previously stated above by lovbyts/& Mr.BB is spot on! It's good to hear you know you've made a mistake a lot of people do in the beginning(including myself)! My one buddy said I got you, etc...I too, made this same mistake and one time is all one could need to screw themselves up permantly(Hence, TRT, and the "young and steroids ")!

    this forum is exceptional and it's all about safe AAS use and your getting advice from people who live this lifestyle daily... Everyone on here is looking for help(or providing the info one needs) in some way shape or form!(and you'll get the right answer) everyone on here is here for safety and to learn as much as possible! I can't say enough about this forum! It's absolutely fantastic(like a brotherhood)!

    Good luck on your journey!
    Last edited by NACH3; 01-19-2015 at 12:13 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I would still get some arimidex or stane, that is if you can get it fast before pct.

    High E2 in males is quite bad on your health and is not something you would want to ignore.

    Check your blood pressure too.

    Ok Ill check my BP when I get home.

    I'm trying to get some Arimidex ASAP. I took my last pin yesterday so how much Arimidex should I take if I can get my hands on it? 0.5 mg EOD or 1 mg EOD? And do I take it until I start PCT and then cut off the Arimidex?

  15. #15
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie980 View Post
    Ok Ill check my BP when I get home.

    I'm trying to get some Arimidex ASAP. I took my last pin yesterday so how much Arimidex should I take if I can get my hands on it? 0.5 mg EOD or 1 mg EOD? And do I take it until I start PCT and then cut off the Arimidex?
    The recomended dosage for 1st timers using up to 500mgs/week is 0.25 EOD up until PCT starts. Controlling E2 is not equal for everyone hence the need for mid cycle blood work, based on E2 mid cycle BW values when a regular amount of arimidex is taken you can decide to increase or reduce dosage.

    As you have no blood work to know where you stand its a guessing game. I would do 0.5mgs eod, but only 2 times, and then reduce to 0.25 till PCT. Maybe Lovbyts can add his opinion too.
    You will pee a lot the day you start it...

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