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Thread: First timer looking for some advice

  1. #1

    First timer looking for some advice

    I am interested in getting started. I don't wish to push my body past its limit to the point I would have to maintain cycles in order to maintain the size. I only want to gain some muscle mass that I can maintain off cycles with proper gym and nutrition work. I plan to use the cycles until I am happy with the size and then stop completely with them. I am interested in limiting the possible side effects as much as possible. Things like Gynecomastia concern me. Because of this I'm looking to do all I can to limit the possibility. This is what I plan on. Please tell me if you think this is a good plan.

    Testosterone E 250MG twice a week for 12 weeks
    Dianabol 25mg every day for 6 weeks
    Nolvadex 10mg per day for the first 14 weeks then 40mg per day for 2 weeks then 20mg per day for 1 week
    Arimidex or Letrozole .5 mg per day for the full 17 weeks (not sure what one or if there is any difference between them)

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hi, how about you let have some stats?

    Bodyfat %
    Years training
    Muscle gain dietary macro's


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    The best thing you could do is wait read educate yourself ask as many Q as you like that's what the forums for.

  4. #4
    Back in Black,

    Age 35
    5 11"
    training about 10 years
    215 lbs
    27% body fat

    This high body fat and weight is the result of a 5-6 month period of weight gaining. Currently I am cutting down. By the time I start this plan I will be in the range of 185-195 with around 10% body fat.

    Current macros are 2670 calories per day. Goals of 200 grams protein, 267 grams carbs, 89 grams fat.


    I will for sure. Thank you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Good idea on getting your fat down.

    Read this, it will be invaluable for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    More of this^^^ Plus, all of this... You will have answers to most of your questions and re-think your proposed plan. It's all about getting the most out of your cycle with the least amount of risks. Cheers!
    Last edited by Motardpdx; 01-19-2015 at 03:36 PM.

  7. #7
    After reading that post I think I should make this change;

    Testosterone E 250MG twice a week for 12 weeks
    Dianabol 25mg every day for 6 weeks (should I remove this?)
    Arimidex .25 mg per day for 14 weeks
    hCG 250 iu twice a week for 12 weeks


    Nolvadex 40mg per day in week 15 then 20mg per day in weeks 16,17, and 18.
    Clomid 75mg per day in week 15 then 50mg per day in weeks 16,17, and 18.

    Do you think this plan is best to provide results while minimizing the risk of things like Gynecomastia and other nasty stuff?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    A few facts....

    It's more so 'luck of the draw' or Genetics.

    "And there's no way to know until you go. This is why we reccomend testosterone to start with. And a relatively lightly dosed cycle to boot. 300mg per week of testosterone should be more than enough for a beginner to test the waters. And this is where you'll know if you are sensitive to estrogen buildup, or acne, or testicular shrinkage, or hard shutdown, or any other side effects. Some are very lucky like me, who experience absolutely nothing. Others find they are very sensitive to one particular side effect, lets say acne, and see nothing else. Others get a whole plethora of side effects just from a small dose. Your first cycle or 2 are all about testing the waters and seeing how you respond and react. And only after you have explored every nook and cranny of it will you be ready to move on to other compounds and explore those to find what works better for you, etc.

    What determines how you react to anything is first and foremost: genetics. The next thing is dose and duration. Then age is a factor as well, because as we age, our bodies change and react differently to things than we did at a previous age. After that comes what compound(s) you use.

    For example, I know a guy who recently did his first cycle and finished it about 3 weeks ago. Not only was he not ready for it at all (hadn't built up a proper base of muscle beforehand, etc.), he was a moron and used test E at 750mg per week! First off, I think 500mg per week is too much, let alone seven fifty! But that's not the end of it. He originally planned his cycle to be 10 weeks long. For whatever reason, he decided to extend it to 14 weeks, and for the last 3 weeks or something he upped his dose to 1,000mg per week. A whole gram per week of test... on a BEGINNER 1st TIME CYCLE.

    Needless to say, he recently contacted me freaking out that he is having problems over his PCT with being able to get erections and whatnot. Now, he may have messed himself up by going extreme on his first cycle. OR he may just be sensitive to HPTA shutdown and he is one of those types that requires longer to recover (it's only been 3 weeks PCT so far for him). I told him to keep up his nolva and an aromatase inhibitor (aromasin ), and wait it out another week or 2 before taking further steps. Never know, he may fully recover by then.

    But this is an example of why we use a basic compound such as testosterone only for a first cycle, and use a sensible dose and duration to gauge how we respond. I have never been an advocate of cycles longer than 8 weeks. Maximum I advise people is 10 weeks."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jsousa345 View Post
    After reading that post I think I should make this change;

    Testosterone E 250MG twice a week for 12 weeks
    Dianabol 25mg every day for 6 weeks (should I remove this?)
    Arimidex .25 mg per day for 14 weeks
    hCG 250 iu twice a week for 12 weeks


    Nolvadex 40mg per day in week 15 then 20mg per day in weeks 16,17, and 18.
    Clomid 75mg per day in week 15 then 50mg per day in weeks 16,17, and 18.

    Do you think this plan is best to provide results while minimizing the risk of things like Gynecomastia and other nasty stuff?
    I would strongly advise you to get the body fat down before you cycle. Especially running something like dbol. I have been 12% bf and I puff up more then i would like to when running it.
    I do appreciate the honest on the bf% most ppl like to lie about it. I would work on the diet and cardio so when you do cycle you can get some serious muscle because you will be eating a surplus of calories to feed this new muscle.

  10. #10
    Does this look better;

    Testosterone E 300MG once a week for 10 weeks
    Arimidex .25 mg per day for 12 weeks
    hCG 250 iu twice a week for 10 weeks


    Nolvadex 40mg per day in week 13 then 20mg per day in weeks 14,15, and 16.
    Clomid 75mg per day in week 13 then 50mg per day in weeks 14,15, and 16.

  11. #11
    I plan on cutting the body fat first. Then 3-4 months from now start this plan. Also like you said this will be in a gaining phase for me or calorie surplus plan. Thanks for your advise. Do you think this new plan is better with the dbol removed?

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