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Thread: Second Cycle - Requesting suggestions- Austinite please give opinion :hello:

  1. #1
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    The phantom zone

    Second Cycle - Requesting suggestions- Austinite please give opinion :hello:

    Hey guys, Im 34 years old, 5'8.5" about 175lbs lean
    Its been 4 months since I finished my first cycle, and Id like to dive in again in about a month from now.
    I got up to 186lbs from 160 lbs from my test only cycle which followed Austinites protocol to a tee, so I only lost about 11lbs while iI've been "off"

    Here is my cycle plan so far, but its open to suggestions:

    My cycle plan:
    week 1: Frontload- 1000mg test enanthate + 500iu hcg
    week 2-5 : 500mg test , 20mg Dbol every day + 500 iu hcg
    week 5-8: 500mg test+ 500iu hcg
    week 8-10: 500mg test + 500iu hcg + 40mg anavar every day
    week 10-12 500mg test + 50 mg winstrol e.d. (oral) +500 iu hcg

    will be running 20mg aromasin everyday from day 2 to end of cycle.

    PCT: nolva+ clomid

    The reason for 2 weeks of anavar and 2 weeks of winstrol is because I got a free 50 pack of anavar (10mg pills) from supplier but is super expensive, I can get winstrol for 1/3 of the price. I figured since its kinda the same effect Id finish with Winstrol(oral)

    Any thoughts?

    Last edited by Unknownn; 01-21-2015 at 07:18 PM.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Hi there,

    I'm not a fan of frontloading, and I don't see that 1000mg making any difference at all. I'll be honest with you, it seems that your first cycle was quite a success. So I wonder why you would change anything. I would repeat your first cycle rather than diving into a 4-compound-cycle.

    Nice to get free gear. But I wouldn't use that as a reason to use it. It won't go bad, for years... so you have plenty of time to build up to it. This cycle is too much for a second cycle and against everything I believe it. Congrats on your successful first cycle and I hope you'll reconsider this advanced cycle you're attempting.

    Best of luck to you no matter what route you choose. Have a powerful day.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
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    Last edited by Unknownn; 01-21-2015 at 08:29 PM.

  4. #4
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    Agree with Austintine here. I don't see a reason to get into such an advanced AND complicated cycle. If you're dead set on front loading, why don't you just start your test E at 500mg (which is what you're planning anyway), and kickstart your cycle with Test P at 100 mg per day for the first 4 weeks. It's a shorter ester, so it will 'kick in' within 4-5 days. This is what I do with my cycles, and it works great.

    With the exception of Anavar, I'm not a fan of orals; they're very harsh. I don't understand why you would only run the winny for 2 weeks. If you're going to incorporate any oral in your cycle, run the Anavar from week 6(ish) to week 12. However, for this particular cycle, I would leave it out altogether and follow the cycle I laid out in the first paragraph.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Hi there,

    I'm not a fan of frontloading, and I don't see that 1000mg making any difference at all. I'll be honest with you, it seems that your first cycle was quite a success. So I wonder why you would change anything. I would repeat your first cycle rather than diving into a 4-compound-cycle.

    Nice to get free gear. But I wouldn't use that as a reason to use it. It won't go bad, for years... so you have plenty of time to build up to it. This cycle is too much for a second cycle and against everything I believe it. Congrats on your successful first cycle and I hope you'll reconsider this advanced cycle you're attempting.

    Best of luck to you no matter what route you choose. Have a powerful day.

    Thanks for your reply brother,
    I'll copy and paste the info I read regarding frontloading.

    "Let's examine for example a 14 days-active ester.
    Since any esterified compound is expelled from the body after its active-life duration, we will assume a theoretic injection protocol of 1 shot per week (every 7 days, its half-activity, or half-life).

    Standard injection protocol at 500mg/week for 4 weeks:

    WEEK 1 : 500mg; substance left at the end of the current week: 250mg
    WEEK 2 : 500mg + 250mg; substance left at the end of the current week: 375mg
    WEEK 3 : 500mg + 375mg; substance left at the end of the current week: 437.5mg
    WEEK 4 : 500mg + 437.5mg; substance left at the end of the current week: 468.75mg

    This is to demonstrate that we won't never get those 500mg we're injecting every week all the time as the minimum amount of compound guaranteed in the blood.
    So how do I make sure to have at least the amount of gear I'm injecting every week regularly circulating in the blood?
    This is freaking simple, you just have to add 1 and nothing more than 1 more dosage of the substance in the first week. Just there.
    This concept is easily intelligible following the example:

    WEEK 1 : 1000mg (2x500mg); substance left at the end of the current week: 500mg
    WEEK 2 : 500mg + 500mg; substance left at the end of the current week: 500mg
    WEEK 3 : 500mg + 500mg; substance left at the end of the current week: 500mg
    WEEK 4 : 500mg + 500mg; substance left at the end of the current week: 500mg
    And so on...

    With this protocol the compound is quickly active from the first week, just for having frontloaded it with 1 more shot than the usual protocol, and this way the chemical levels are even more stable (=less sides) and higher in the blood."

    I am definitely considering doing another test only cycle after your response. I just want to be a beast lol

  6. #6
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    Edit: That's supposed to read 'Test P every OTHER day'....not everyday. Sorry.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Agree with Austintine here. I don't see a reason to get into such an advanced AND complicated cycle. If you're dead set on front loading, why don't you just start your test E at 500mg (which is what you're planning anyway), and kickstart your cycle with Test P at 100 mg per day for the first 4 weeks. It's a shorter ester, so it will 'kick in' within 4-5 days. This is what I do with my cycles, and it works great.

    With the exception of Anavar, I'm not a fan of orals; they're very harsh. I don't understand why you would only run the winny for 2 weeks. If you're going to incorporate any oral in your cycle, run the Anavar from week 6(ish) to week 12. However, for this particular cycle, I would leave it out altogether and follow the cycle I laid out in the first paragraph.

    Good luck!

    The reason for the short oral doses is for precisely the reason you mentioned. Liver toxicity. Thats why I am considering only 3 weeks low dosage of the dbol at the start instead of 4-6 weeks like other suggest , just to help the gains kick in a little bit faster from the test.. I only have enough var to last for 2 weeks instead of 4-6 weeks, so was gonna make up the last 2 weeks with win since its cheaper to get and is similar to var in the muscle hardening aspect. Just dont know if there is some major risk with that.

  8. #8
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    Just remember there is no substitution to blood work.

    Rules of thumb are just that. Blood work is readily available for any person that can afford it. If you cannot afford blood work you cannot afford to use AAs.

    You get to bypass all the best practices for people who cannot afford blood work and actually see what your body says. Do your blood work, look at points of concern, deal with what they reflect.

    What you can and cannot do with AAs is reflected in blood work. Period.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknownn View Post
    The reason for the short oral doses is for precisely the reason you mentioned. Liver toxicity. Thats why I am considering only 3 weeks low dosage of the dbol at the start instead of 4-6 weeks like other suggest , just to help the gains kick in a little bit faster from the test.. I only have enough var to last for 2 weeks instead of 4-6 weeks, so was gonna make up the last 2 weeks with win since its cheaper to get and is similar to var in the muscle hardening aspect. Just dont know if there is some major risk with that.
    I really don't think you'll be too happy with running Var at only 2 weeks, then Winny at another 2 weeks. If you want to use them, I would wait until you have more, and use them for another cycle down the road. If you want to use dbol, then start it at week 1, not week 2. Bu I still recommend substituting the dbol for Test P. You'll notice the effets in the same time frame, it will be much less toxic on the liver, and they will be quality gains as opposed to dbol gains where most of it is just water weight.

    This is my opinion, and to each his own. Good luck with your cycle!

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