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Thread: New to steroids

  1. #1

    New to steroids

    Hey guys I'm new to steroids , I'm 6'2" 190lbs im going to start my first cycle on Monday of deca and anadrol has anyone done this cycle before and how can I do it safely? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Welcome to the board....

    First off, you need test incorporated, unless you want to have trouble getting a boner in a few weeks..... which I can imagine is not fun.

    As a first cycle, general rule of thumb is test only. Trust me you'll get more than enough gains that your mind will be so blown from test only cycle at first.

    Also, can you please provide a few more details.... How old are you? How long have you been training (seriously) and what do you estimate your BF at? You seem fairly lean at your height / weight or you're maybe lacking mass depending on BF.

    If you could provide that information you'll get much better and informative info.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum.
    Right what you need to do is read this link it will give you all the information on what you should be doing and what stats you should be to get the best possible cycle and recovery.

  5. #5
    Thank for the reply. I'm 20 I've been training seriously for about 6 months I've been taking anavar for about a month and a half and I'm not sure about my bf I'm sure it's probably low because I have veins bulging out in my arms and legs. I have deca and anadrol on hand should i wait until I get test to start my cycle? Thanks

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Notthe5-0 View Post
    Thank for the reply. I'm 20 I've been training seriously for about 6 months I've been taking anavar for about a month and a half and I'm not sure about my bf I'm sure it's probably low because I have veins bulging out in my arms and legs. I have deca and anadrol on hand should i wait until I get test to start my cycle? Thanks
    You should not cycle at your age, especially with only 6 months training experience..

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Notthe5-0 View Post
    Hey guys I'm new to steroids , I'm 6'2" 190lbs im going to start my first cycle on Monday of deca and anadrol has anyone done this cycle before and how can I do it safely? Thanks
    Plus at 6'2 and 190, you can gain alot more naturally.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Notthe5-0 View Post
    Thank for the reply. I'm 20 I've been training seriously for about 6 months I've been taking anavar for about a month and a half and I'm not sure about my bf I'm sure it's probably low because I have veins bulging out in my arms and legs. I have deca and anadrol on hand should i wait until I get test to start my cycle? Thanks
    So... There are a few issues with your plan. Number 1 (and I know you don't want to hear this) you're still very young. You have a lot of natural test pumping through you and the last thing you want to do is shut that down by using aas. Based on your stats and your age you can add a lot... Lot.... Lot of muscle still naturally.

    Number 2. Anavar shuts down your natural production of test, despite what you may have been told. So going straight into another cycle is a terrible idea.

    Number 3. You running your planned cycle, you'll be a 20 year old kid who won't be able to get an erection, this is a reality if you run your planned cycle. Do you really what to not be able to get an erection at 20? Or any age for that matter?
    Number 4. You're new to working out. If you build muscle too fast and get too string too fast. You could damage a tendon and suffer from that injury for ever. Remember this. Aas does not strengthen your tendons. So if you get too strong too fast when you're this new to working out its almost a certainty that you'll suffer an injury, your body just isn't ready to be pushed that hard when you don't have a natural base.

    Your obviously young and excited and want to be big and strong and because you're young you'll do anything to get these results now now now. My advice along with a lot of other members would be to get off Anavar immediately, run pct, and focus on building muscle naturally for the next 4 years.

    That being said, most young people don't want to wait, and won't.... I understand... I was young once too. If you insist on using please do a lot more research... And for the love of God. Do not run your planned cycle. Start with test only. Please, take what I've said seriously....

    Please please please think long and hard about this decision.

  9. #9
    Based on what you told me earlier I went out and got some test also but now I'm hesitant to take any of it because I already have damage to my tendons from previous injuries and not to mention not being able to get a boner. Is there anything I can take that will be more "safe" for me to take so I can bulk up quick. And will there be any long term side effects if I just took the test and not the deca and anadrol. Thanks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Notthe5-0 View Post
    Based on what you told me earlier I went out and got some test also but now I'm hesitant to take any of it because I already have damage to my tendons from previous injuries and not to mention not being able to get a boner. Is there anything I can take that will be more "safe" for me to take so I can bulk up quick. And will there be any long term side effects if I just took the test and not the deca and anadrol. Thanks
    If you bulk up fast and get strong fast, your tendons will be at risk. There is nothing other than hard work and prolonged lifting that will strengthen tendons. If you've had issues with tendons in the past I'd almost guarantee an injury if you use any aas. You're gonna have to focus on just getting strong naturally and build a good base with strong flexible tendons. As I said before I would wait at least 4 years because of your age, but if you insist which I know as a you guy who wants to get big and strong probably will. Take at least 2 whole years of good solid working out before your body is close to ready.

    There is always the potential for long term side effects with aas, especially when you're shutting down your natural testosterone production when you as a young Man are still going through hormonal changes. There are a lot of good thread on this site about youth and steroids. Marcus has written a lot about it and he is extremely knowledgeable... Spend some time reading them.
    Last edited by Bertuzzi; 01-24-2015 at 02:33 PM.

  11. #11
    Ok thanks for your help man do you know if there is a expiration date on what I got cant find one, will it be safe to take them in a few years or should I get rid of them and get more when I'm ready. Thanks

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