Ok great choice taking tren out of the cycle. But bad mistake thinking u will not need hcg....hcg isn't to combat gyno. Please read this link and do a little research. Hcg can benefit in many ways.
http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...njections.html And lol, never said wanted to be 3%bf.......u currently stated you were 18% and will be 15% by the time your cycle starts. I was stating that it will take some hard work to lose that 3% by the time you start. Being a higher BF when cycling rasies the risk of sides....especially gyno which u r prone too. So be careful. As far as ur gyno issues I can not help....I have never experienced any gyno sides myself. Winnny only 4 weeks of it. I would suggest end of your cycle. which I just noticed was 16wks...I would drop test to 12 wks. Run winny 10-14wks. stop day before just before pct.