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  1. #1
    DCBIII is offline New Member
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    Looking to start first cycle, please leave feedback

    -Lifting for past 4 years
    (Got educated on how to train properly)
    -Lifting seriously for past 2.5 years

    Serious about starting a cycle.
    Haven't gained a pound in a little over a year despite my attempted bulk in which I stayed relatively clean but after stopping I retained little to no muscle mass.
    Diet has been on point for 6 months with no change.
    Calorie intake is fair but my appetite holds me back.
    Forcing myself to eat is incredibly old and I need something to break this barrier.

    Please no (You're too young)
    Please no (Stay natty you don't need it)

    I realize there are risks, there is with anything.

    I intend to do plenty of research upon receiving some advise on where to begin.

    I'm out here try'n to make some serious gains my dudes, need some help getting there!

    I'm posting this for legit cycle information and advise on where to begin.

    Serious responses only please, if you have no advise regarding what type of gear to begin with please don't comment! Much appreciated. Looking to start first cycle, please leave feedback-048.jpgLooking to start first cycle, please leave feedback-045.jpgLooking to start first cycle, please leave feedback-058.jpg

  2. #2
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    If you arent gaining muscle/weight, it's cause you arent eating enough. Cycle will not make you gain because you will still be eating the same amount. So your only chance of growth is eating more

    P.s i had this problem of appetite, it was holding me back. There are tricks to make you eat more besides force feeding and ya in my case i cant eat too much dirty food, I get fat. Only clean food!
    Last edited by EquilibriumZ; 01-26-2015 at 08:38 PM.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Legit answer is get into the nutrition section. Your diet is off. I was about the same size as you at 21 and could not gain more. I was sure it was my genetic limit. Not even close. It was diet.

    If you are sure yours is good then go there and see who you can help. You still might learn a thi g or two.

  4. #4
    DCBIII is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EquilibriumZ View Post
    If you arent gaining muscle/weight, it's cause you arent eating enough. Cycle will not make you gain because you will still be eating the same amount. So your only chance of growth is eating more

    P.s i had this problem of appetite, it was holding me back. There are tricks to make you eat more besides force feeding and ya in my case i cant eat too much dirty food, I get fat. Only clean food!
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Legit answer is get into the nutrition section. Your diet is off. I was about the same size as you at 21 and could not gain more. I was sure it was my genetic limit. Not even close. It was diet.

    If you are sure yours is good then go there and see who you can help. You still might learn a thi g or two.

    Fellas, I appreciate the input. But from what I understand increased test levels will boost appetite.
    This is part of the reason I came here, to learn about gear, not be re-fed the (Eat More) speech!

    To all future responders please know that I know I need to increase calorie intake. I'm not THAT oblivious lol.

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Well, no speech hur

    You jump on gear, it's gonna be a bumpy ride

    I'd say get baseline BW & go from there

    No BS homeslice, there's no way I'd be able to handle the gear I am taking right now at your age. . . . . Some guys can handle a grip & just jump off due to their natural test production ability. . . . Not me, I had lowish test #'s - this made it awful trying to come off

  6. #6
    jolter604's Avatar
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    listen to these answers you got.

  7. #7
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Last thing, from experience of everything all around

    If you cycle, gain & then decide to come off you will be lucky to see any gains left at all

    It's life

  8. #8
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    Well your off to a good start. Basic cycle info is easily obtainable. It's everywhere throughout this forum and all over the Internet. Good cycle info for your particular wants and desires not so much. First like it's been said get some blood work done. A complete panel of bloodwork not just your tes and estrogen levels, get everything so that you know where everything is that prior to even beginning any of this. Know your tdee, get a cycle plan worked out then post it and be prepared for it to be picked apart. Even if it's the most basic there are all kinds of people with all kinds of ideas and thoughts on this so again be prepared to research again all the thoughts and comments that make sense or even seem too. You should be able to pick thru the bullshit it's not that hard. I'm not going to even mention that your age is a factor that's your biz not mine people are going to do what they think is best whether it is or not, but I have to comment on the fact that you are not physically ready for a cycle yet you need to build a better base yes I said you have a good start but a start is all that it is. not what you want to hear and that's cool but you need to build a better base whether it's more calories more time at the gym whatever that's your deal you need to build a better base.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCBIII
    Fellas, I appreciate the input. But from what I understand increased test levels will boost appetite. This is part of the reason I came here, to learn about gear, not be re-fed the (Eat More) speech! To all future responders please know that I know I need to increase calorie intake. I'm not THAT oblivious lol.
    That's retarded, taking test for appetite as a goal. You want appetite? Start injecting b12, chew gum right after your meal, drink powdered oats 100g+ right when you wake up, watch youtube when you eat. That's how you increase appetite hardcore

    And read this
    Last edited by EquilibriumZ; 01-26-2015 at 10:12 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCBIII View Post
    Fellas, I appreciate the input. But from what I understand increased test levels will boost appetite.
    This is part of the reason I came here, to learn about gear, not be re-fed the (Eat More) speech!

    To all future responders please know that I know I need to increase calorie intake. I'm not THAT oblivious lol.
    Even if that was a fact what happens when you are not on gear? Loss of appetite and loss of size/muscle mass. Yeah you will be one of those guys who blows up then shrinks back down and everyone is laughing at him behind his back. Good luck with that.

  11. #11
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    you will be one of those guys who blows up then shrinks back down and everyone is laughing at him behind his back.

    I don't laugh at em' - just see them as an example

    But, it's pretty much how it goes - not many young guys take the leap & straight ride it out.

  12. #12
    DCBIII is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input guys. I realize I'm a younger dude and am still missing a big enough base to start really using. I know you guys can understand my frustration though with being so thin even when you work harder than dudes twice your size in the gym and in the kitchen. And as far as the test comment goes I was more of making a generalization about how the cycle of test could improve my eating habits. I wasn't trying to imply that's the only reason id be taking it. I can tell you that I took some mock Ghrelin which did worlds for my appetite, idk if you guys have ever heard of nubreed nutrition. Devour was the name of the supp.

    Anyhow, is there any way I could start with a very low dosage after getting some blood work done and making sure I'm okay to try it?
    Just looking for more input, I may not start any time soon, but down the road I feel it would be good knowledge to have if my body continues to stay stagnant.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCBIII
    Thanks for the input guys. I realize I'm a younger dude and am still missing a big enough base to start really using. I know you guys can understand my frustration though with being so thin even when you work harder than dudes twice your size in the gym and in the kitchen. And as far as the test comment goes I was more of making a generalization about how the cycle of test could improve my eating habits. I wasn't trying to imply that's the only reason id be taking it. I can tell you that I took some mock Ghrelin which did worlds for my appetite, idk if you guys have ever heard of nubreed nutrition. Devour was the name of the supp. Anyhow, is there any way I could start with a very low dosage after getting some blood work done and making sure I'm okay to try it? Just looking for more input, I may not start any time soon, but down the road I feel it would be good knowledge to have if my body continues to stay stagnant.
    Nop, even very low dose will shut your own test down to 0 so it has the same risk as a normal cycle. Plus chances are at 21 you are already producing a good dose so get bloodwork and see. Actually the low dose you will be injecting might be even less than your natural production lolz

  14. #14
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    Your reply shows a refreshing the level of maturity. You will be able to put on more weight if you just look at what your tdee is and increase the cal count, break down your macros and see where your percentages are, and look and see what your training protocol is actually like. Avoid any kind of circuit training and try not to do any more cardio than you absolutely have to. Hit individual body parts on one day a week rounds with heavier weights lower reps like 6 or 8 reps per set, push till failure. You'll be surprised how much more hungry you'll be and how you can actually force your body to grow. Be sure your body is as strong as you think you can possibly be before you decide about actually adding steroids to the mix. You want to prepare your ligaments and tendons for the abuse you will put on them once you decide to add steroids. Keep that mature attitude that you seem to have and research as much as you can. If steroids are in your game plan time will come. Be prepared.

  15. #15
    DCBIII is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime View Post
    Your reply shows a refreshing the level of maturity. You will be able to put on more weight if you just look at what your tdee is and increase the cal count, break down your macros and see where your percentages are, and look and see what your training protocol is actually like. Avoid any kind of circuit training and try not to do any more cardio than you absolutely have to. Hit individual body parts on one day a week rounds with heavier weights lower reps like 6 or 8 reps per set, push till failure. You'll be surprised how much more hungry you'll be and how you can actually force your body to grow. Be sure your body is as strong as you think you can possibly be before you decide about actually adding steroids to the mix. You want to prepare your ligaments and tendons for the abuse you will put on them once you decide to add steroids. Keep that mature attitude that you seem to have and research as much as you can. If steroids are in your game plan time will come. Be prepared.
    Thank you. Like I said I'm seriously into the sport, but I've been dealing with a shoulder injury since high school (3rd degree separated AC joint) so I know what its like to be hurt and out of the gym for an extended period of time. I don't want my body to be more scarred than it already is because I rushed into gearing up. That's why I came here, to get honest feedback. I appreciate your time and cordialness. thanks again tectime

  16. #16
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    It's good to learn everything you can about doing a cycle before starting so don't think we are trying to deter you from that. Most people jump in way to quickly and really have no idea what they are doing, I'm still learning.

    I wish I had 1/10 the resources when I was your age about diet as what is available now, I would have been a lot bigger. I know it's hard to focus on diet especially when you think yours is good but trust me, there is always room for improvement and a little change can make a lot of difference.

    Also changing up routines make a huge difference. Switching from machines to free weights, from bars to dumbbells, drop sets etc.

    My time here I have read a LOT of regret stories from people starting early but I have never read one from anyone who said they wished they started sooner. Ive been there and even bought my gear at your age. I'm not sure if it was the fear of needle at the time or just good sense (I would like to think the later) but I decided not to cycle and dont regret it.

    Life also has a funny way of changing all your plans especially between 18 - 26 or so. Its rare that life goes as planed, especially if women are involved. lol

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