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Thread: Body Fat on Test

  1. #1

    Body Fat on Test

    How's it going everybody?

    I am about to start a small cycle of test 250 at 250 once a week. I am in the middle of cutting, though. I am right now at about 9.5% body fat at 170. I am wanting to get down to 6%. My diet is very strict.

    Will the test make me bloat and retain water? Or if I keep my diet strict can I continue to lose body fat? I know if I am in a caloric deficit I can expect huge gains off of the test.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No, it wont make you bloat if you diet it in check like you say as long as you also keep E2 in check. 250 is a pretty light dose so E2 should not be much of an issue but I would still use and AI as well as get blood work done to make sure.

    What is reason for only doing 250mg a week? Are you splitting up injections? This will also help keep E2 down.

    Are you going to use HCG on cycle?
    Planned PCT?
    body fat = 9.5%
    cycle experience

  3. #3
    It's my first cycle and I really don't want to over do it. This is why 250mg a week. I am taking nolvadex two weeks into the cycle. The test is going to be for 8 weeks. I am 24 180 at 9.5%. I have just started my cut.

    So if I kept my diet very strict would I be able to cut down body fat while on the test?

    I know 250 is a really low dose so no massive gains, or side effects.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    No, it wont make you bloat if you diet it in check like you say as long as you also keep E2 in check. 250 is a pretty light dose so E2 should not be much of an issue but I would still use and AI as well as get blood work done to make sure.

    What is reason for only doing 250mg a week? Are you splitting up injections? This will also help keep E2 down.

    Are you going to use HCG on cycle?
    Planned PCT?
    body fat = 9.5%
    cycle experience
    It's my first cycle and I really don't want to over do it. This is why 250mg a week. I am taking nolvadex two weeks into the cycle. The test is going to be for 8 weeks. I am 24 180 at 9.5%. I have just started my cut.

    So if I kept my diet very strict would I be able to cut down body fat while on the test?

    I know 250 is a really low dose so no massive gains, or side effects.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No nolvadex on cycle.

    Nolvadex and clomid for PCT starting 2 weeks after cycle..
    HCG on cycle to keep your balls functioning and Adex .25 EOD for AI during cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    From all I have gathered on the boards:

    250 is not going to be the place you want to be to acheive your goal. It takes 350/week MINIMUM to protect muscles from wastage on calorie deficite or normal T-3 routine.

    Sides on test...unless you are some kind of one off...are controlled via Ai which is supported by blood work. However I do not see any posted blood work so you might have no clue where you are now with your health.

    500 is a very conservative dose for a cycle. You are not over doing it on this dose. You are under doing it on 250 in my opinion.

    My 2 cents

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