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Thread: Coming off a long ECA/Clen stack. Scared that I will start eating my face off

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Coming off a long ECA/Clen stack. Scared that I will start eating my face off

    Here's my problem.

    I've been on a high prot/moderate fat/low carb diet for months now. I was cutting. I was eating mostly chicken, brown rice, eggs, nuts and veggies. Really clean diet. No cheat meals. Just refeed days where I simply ate more rice and chicken than usual, to increase leptin production. I was never able to diet like that in the past, never disciplined enough, but drugs changed everything. Especially Ephedrine.

    All along, I've been on stimulants and appetite suppressants. I started with 4 weeks of Ephedrine, then took a week off (tough week), then went on a cycle of Clenbuterol for 12 weeks on a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off basis with ECA during the weeks off.

    Honestly, I barely remember what it's like to feel 'normal' anymore. I've never gotten tolerant to Ephedrine per say, as I am still feeling the effects of when I started. But I'm realizing that I have to take a break at some point, that I can't be on stimulants all my life. However, I'm scared that I will start eating my face off, that I won't be able to control the cravings anymore, that dieting will get harder, etc.

    I wanted to know if you guys have any tips to continue to diet naturally when coming off a cycle of the kind.

    Thanks in advance!!
    Last edited by jay94; 02-01-2015 at 11:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    It's all in your mind bro, if you simply strengthen your will, you can control your appetite

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    You're 100% right, you can't rely on stimulants your whole life. You know what a clean diet consists of, so you just need the will power to do it. It's not suppose to be easy dieting naturally, that's why many people suffer. I would start by ALLOWING yourself a cheat meal once a week, for sanity purposes more than anything.

    I'm sure it's not going to be AS HARD as you're making it out to be, as i'm sure your stomach has shrunk since being on the diet since you've been eating less food.

    I don't know how many cals you're eating either, and how you feel yet off the stims, so it's hard to critique further.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    You're 100% right, you can't rely on stimulants your whole life. You know what a clean diet consists of, so you just need the will power to do it. It's not suppose to be easy dieting naturally, that's why many people suffer. I would start by ALLOWING yourself a cheat meal once a week, for sanity purposes more than anything.

    I'm sure it's not going to be AS HARD as you're making it out to be, as i'm sure your stomach has shrunk since being on the diet since you've been eating less food.

    I don't know how many cals you're eating either, and how you feel yet off the stims, so it's hard to critique further.
    I tried different things. When I started, I was doing no cardio, just strength training 5x5 with a 500 caloric deficit (2000 cals) to maintain mass and strength as much as possible. Then I tried a month of HIIT style training (high volume, low weight, short rest time) with a 1k caloric deficit (1500 cals). That was the first 4 weeks. When I started clen, I was staying in the 8-10 rep range and doing regular cardio. I also tried fasted cardio during that time, felt great. I was also doing HIIT during the Clen off weeks, but only with 400 caloric deficit, because I thought 1k was a little too much. But now I'm confused as to what my diet and training should be like when I finally come off the stims. I'm expecting: increased feeling of hunger, increased overall fatigue, decreased motivation and energy. Not sure what will actually happen, though.

  5. #5
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    Taper off, don't just stop the stims

    At least that's what I'd do

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Taper off, don't just stop the stims

    At least that's what I'd do
    In this case, how would you taper off exactly? I've seen nothing on tapering off with Clen/ECA.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay94 View Post
    In this case, how would you taper off exactly? I've seen nothing on tapering off with Clen/ECA.
    Just decrease your fose gradually... Like Xmcg of clen, etc

  8. #8
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by jay94 View Post
    I tried different things. When I started, I was doing no cardio, just strength training 5x5 with a 500 caloric deficit (2000 cals) to maintain mass and strength as much as possible. Then I tried a month of HIIT style training (high volume, low weight, short rest time) with a 1k caloric deficit (1500 cals). That was the first 4 weeks. When I started clen, I was staying in the 8-10 rep range and doing regular cardio. I also tried fasted cardio during that time, felt great. I was also doing HIIT during the Clen off weeks, but only with 400 caloric deficit, because I thought 1k was a little too much. But now I'm confused as to what my diet and training should be like when I finally come off the stims. I'm expecting: increased feeling of hunger, increased overall fatigue, decreased motivation and energy. Not sure what will actually happen, though.
    Hmm i think if you ate 2-300 calories below TDEE so you'd be able to get your food in and adjust to the extra hunger.. You could wake up in the morning and walk at an incline for 20 minutes of fasted cardio and then your training in the evening should be followed by another 20 minutes of inclined walking as well.. It's not very hard, just a little time consuming and works like a charm??

  9. #9
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    Apr 2008
    Replace bad foods with good food. When you have cravings eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts or most anything natural. Refined sugars are what causes cravings so stay away from anything canned or processed and the cravings will soon subside.

    People bring doughnut and other sweets to my work all the time and am not even tempted anymore.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Replace bad foods with good food. When you have cravings eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts or most anything natural. Refined sugars are what causes cravings so stay away from anything canned or processed and the cravings will soon subside.

    People bring doughnut and other sweets to my work all the time and am not even tempted anymore.
    That's my concern. I don't have the sugar cravings anymore because I've been eating clean for so long, but I'm scared that coming off the stims will somehow bring the cravings back. Maybe that fear is irrational though.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Just decrease your fose gradually... Like Xmcg of clen, etc
    So maybe decreasing by 20mcg everyday until I get down to what? 40mcg?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay94 View Post
    So maybe decreasing by 20mcg everyday until I get down to what? 40mcg?
    I don't have much to offer about clen(as I have not taken) so hopefully someone will chime in... But as long as your lowering your dose(?) gradually over say 4 day increments I think that will suffice... But if I'm wrong someone will let me know! Lol seems logical to me(asT3 I would do the same taper up and taper down)... I'd say once at 40mcg it'd be ok to drop then...
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-01-2015 at 01:46 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I don't have much to offer about clen(as I have not taken) so hopefully someone will chime in... But as long as your lowering your dose(?) gradually over say 4 day increments I think that will suffice... But if I'm wrong someone will let me know! Lol seems logical to me(asT3 I would do the same taper up and taper down)...
    Well afaik the only information there is on clen dosage is anecdotal evidence from experienced users (aka broscience), but I was using 120mcg at the top, so I'm assuming that gradually going down to 1/3 of that dose would make sense for tapering.

  14. #14
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    Baking chicken
    If it's too much try say 30mcg increments... 1/4 if start there if still at 120mcg...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I have never taken Clen, nor do I want to

    But, I have eaten my fair share of Bronkaid & Caffeine - I still am at the moment

    Just cut the doses until you can't feel it

    As far as cals - watch that shit like a hawk. . . . Any real(junk like) food will hit you like a ton of bricks. The weight will jump back on, not just creep. Keep your diet dry & carbs low.

    GL, You'll be aight

    EC or Clen aren't worrisome stims IMO

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    True that. Thanks for the advice.

    Also, if that can help anyone, I cut out the Aspirin part of my ECA stack. It wasn't making a difference for me.

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