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Thread: Need help with my first Anavar cycle

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Need help with my first Anavar cycle

    hi everyone ive been working out now for about 6 months and im 22 years of age and have decided to start my very first cycle. I have a bit of a belly at the moment and i want to turn it into muscle, so i have been doing my research and come to a conclusion that the most effective thing for me to do is anavar because it trims fat and turns it into leave muscle and that is what i would like to do. i have read that Anavar ONLY cycles are bad for you and i need so advise with what to take with the Anavar so it isnt gong to be bad for my health. i have also taken into consideration my diet and will be training 6 days a week as i already do train 6 days. I have been doing some research and found out i should take daily...
    . 70mg Anavar
    . 5g of creatine nitrate
    . 50mg of PCT Clomid
    . 5g of glutamine
    . 50mg proviron

    i have also read that doing a base of testosterone is effective because oral only cycles should be avoided.
    this is just from me doing some research and seeing its my first cycle i do not want to mess it up. is there anything i am missing or is there something i shouldn't be taking. also what are your views and opinions on this.
    thanks Will.
    Last edited by will199742; 02-01-2015 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Take some time and give this a read please

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Also, how old are you? I ask b/c your name has 1997... Agreed ^^^^ you definitely need to read the above link!

  5. #5
    hi, no im 22 years old, that dates something else sentimental to me. but thanks for the input

  6. #6
    Anavar only cycles are great!!!
    If you're a Woman.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by will199742 View Post
    hi, no im 22 years old, that dates something else sentimental to me. but thanks for the input
    Still young... Your not done growing til bout 24-25... You may be done growing in height but your Epiphyseal plates aren't fused yet making it dangerous, as well as your hormones aren't done balancing out yet either... And you always want to run a test only cycle first to see how your body handles it... So if/when you get sides you'll know what is causing it!

    There's so much to it to do safely... Educate yourself first. Diet and training is 95% of it!

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