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Thread: Lean bulk on anadrol and Test e

  1. #1
    major34 is offline New Member
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    Lean bulk on anadrol and Test e

    Weight : 187 pounds

    height :180 cm

    cycle history 3 : sustanon 6 weeks 500
    test e and deca 500 - 200 for 12 weeks
    test e and deca both at 600 for 8weeks.

    now on TRT
    dosage for this cycle would be : 500 test ew - 100 mg anadrol ed

    age is 25 btw

    Diet : very clean - low sodium - high pott- 40% protien - 40% carb 20% healthy fatty acids.
    +300 above my tdee

    i just stop responding gear at week8 so i just wanna forget about long cycle and will focus on 8weeks +4weeks off and then another 8weeks.

    so i got everything ready and only lack one thing which is there is 0 chance to get my hand on ai on this f.... country
    there are only 2 choice which has their own problems

    1.letrozole : quiet strong and hard to dose and takes much time to kick in
    2.proviron : no way to count on it as an Ai

    but Serms are easy and also so cheap here and you can buy it for a cheap price from pharmacy without perscription....

    So , what should i do now for E2 control and bloat and also esterogenic fat gain ???
    if i quit on anadrol and up the dose of test to 1g how much letrozole is there to be taken daily or eod?

  2. #2
    major34 is offline New Member
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    Oh 200 views and no comment

    guys i forgot about anadrol , will put it in the closet for now since i guess no way to not baloon on it.

    so just 1 simple Q

    how much letrozole do i need eod on a gram of test?
    is 1/4 pill of 2.5 fair enough or over kil ?

  3. #3
    Jmjk13 is offline New Member
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    So you're 25 and on TRT permanently?

  4. #4
    major34 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jmjk13 View Post
    So you're 25 and on TRT permanently?
    yeah due to abusing Steroid at 22

    there is nothing i can do to past

    so just lets forget about it and focus on future.

    and hell yeah i lost most of gains being in a low test condition for 4 months and even became worse than the time i started cycling.

  5. #5
    Jmjk13 is offline New Member
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    Sorry, I wasn't criticizing, just making sure I understood you correctly.
    One thing that sticks out, and I apologize because it still doesn't answer your question, but if you are trying to bulk, eating 300cal over tdee isn't much at all. You may want to continue to increase what you eat first. Maybe your body needs 500+ or more to bulk. It all depends on your body.
    major34 likes this.

  6. #6
    major34 is offline New Member
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    that is correct man
    yeah you are right but i have primed before this cycle for a month almost and 5out of 7days of week i was on 1900 calories .

    so in the first week i guess +300 is enough

    but in 2nd weeks forward i will increase calories from carbs .
    tnx for comment

  7. #7
    Jmjk13 is offline New Member
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    Good luck to you. Hopefully one of the experienced guys will jump in and help you out with your real question.
    Keep us posted on your results too!

  8. #8
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    there is no " stop responding..."

    you just dont eat enough so after 8 weeks you stop gaining water and glycogen weight.

    thats all...

    you cant become unresponding to steroids this is just impossible...
    some with rare condition dont react to steroids but you cant BECOME desensitize.
    on the contrary more you use more you develop androgen receptor so more efficient gear becomes.

    As said above if you dont gain weight you arent eating enough...

    no matter if steroids are include or not.

    1g of test is seriously useless at your bodyweight...

    I would advice you to just increase your test to 350mg/weeks. and keep going this way for a while...

    6 month/ one years... as long as your BW are fine their is no issue.

    Order from ar-r to get liquidex. they ship with success everywhere.

    if one day you become big enough that 350mg cant make you gain muscle then you are pretty damn HUGE!!

  9. #9
    major34 is offline New Member
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    By no responding i meant low responding due to increase in Myostatin and SHBG and cortisol levels , body tries to put the state of hemotasis and slow muscle building and ofc short cycles have less sides due to long cycles i figured it out by doing blood works on lipids and....

    well also many big guys here offered to not do long cycles

    like : marcus and ronnie rowland

    well have u ever done 20 weeks cycle? or maybe it is you only gaining upward week 12 but for me even though i was increasing in total calorie everweek i was just gaining fat from 10-12 weeks with little muscle gains on those weeks for me and based on what i have done before i know that i gain 9/10 of my muscles from week 4-8 so i am not gonna do any longer cycle.
    so i prefer to do 8weeks cycle and cruise a month and blast again and i will gain twice than staying on cycle for long.

    and as i was expecting no shiping from ar-r to my country lol

  10. #10
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ive been on for over a year now with various compound and my SHBG has never been so low. and my lipids too...
    lipids are way way more diet related...
    however HDL can be easely tanked.

    But you are right on cortisol level, which can increase SHBG overtime.
    maybe you are prone to high cortisol.
    resting and deload can help you there...

    myostatin increased... Ive never read anything about that however If reducing it or inhibiting is that hard I would guess the opposite is also true. So I highly doubt that there is any proof to that.
    but if you have plz send it to me I would be extremely interested to read the articles.

    another factor that impact gain is the way you train. You need to adapt.
    if you gain suffisiant ammount of muscle and cant gain anymore from novice program then you need to upgrade to a more adapted training.

    right now novice progression dont benefit me anymore. but intermediate do. I still increased weight at a appreciable rate.

    the bigger you are the harder it is to gain muscle.
    steroids cant chance that...
    if suffisiant amount of anabolics is present, you will gain if you diet and train properly.

    maybe you need more gear. some have more from steroids than other.
    I may need 1000mg of test a weeks to have the same effect that you on 500mg and vice versa.
    but being on gear in itself do not reduce the effect overtime. it increase it.

    if it were true Testosterone replacement therapy would become useless pretty fast...
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 02-05-2015 at 08:39 AM.

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