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Thread: winter fat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    winter fat?

    i know this should be in the Lounge but I know i'll get more/better responses here. i live in iowa - if you know anything about the seasons, summers are blazing hot and winters are consistently below 0º. anyway during the winter my weight was around 195 and I had no problem putting on weight.. now during the summer I'm stuck at around 185-87. does your body store more fat in the winter ? cause i'm having a hell of a time putting on weight right now

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    dont think so, we do not hibernate so im guessing no! uhm its prolly has to do with calorie intake !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Originally posted by gundam675
    dont think so, we do not hibernate so im guessing no! uhm its prolly has to do with calorie intake !

    must be

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Actually, in some cases yes it does store more fat - not for reasons you would expect. It is because of the psychological condition you are in compared to in the summer. The winter usually gets you down, you might not really realize it directly - but it has an effect. Can make you go up in weight easier if you are "moping" around so to speak... and not even realize you aren't in the best of mood psychologically. I have the same situation where I am from - Upstate NY. It's tough in the winter, I definately gained about 8lbs this winter... and it wasn't becuase I was eating more than usual. Same thing happened last winter, then into summer I lost a few lbs. It's almost like a yearly cycle.


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