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  1. #1
    officious is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    First Cycle Revised

    This is essentially the beginner cycle from the first cycle thread with Dbol added in at the start. Looking for feedback mainly on the pros/cons of adding dbol at the start because I've heard/read that because test-e takes a while to build up in your system the dbol can make you feel like it's working faster as well as adding a little bit of a boost.

    Age 25
    190 lbs
    BF% 15-17%
    Goal: Build strength, lean muscle, add 10-15lbs of muscle.

    week 1 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk -40mg dbol ED
    week 2 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk -40mg dbol ED
    week 3 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk -40mg dbol ED
    week 4 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk -40mg dbol ED
    week 5 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 6 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 7 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 8 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 9 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 10 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 11 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 12 .25mg Arimidex EOD -250iu HCG 2/wk -250mg Test-E 2/wk
    week 13 .25mg Arimidex EOD
    week 15 .25mg Arimidex EOD
    week 16 -Nolvadex 40mg ED -75mg Clomid ED
    week 17 -Nolvadex 40mg ED -50mg Clomid ED
    week 18 -Nolvadex 20mg ED -50mg Clomid ED
    week 19 -Nolvadex 20mg ED -25mg Clomid ED
    week 20

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by officious; 02-04-2015 at 07:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Jmjk13 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2014
    I'm in the same boat as you. However, I'm thinking most folks are gonna say skip the Dbol on the first cycle, and I see their point, even though I am still on the fence myself.
    The thought is, since this is our first time, we don't know how any of this is going to feel or how our bodies are going to react. It's best to stick to just test to gain a baseline for the future. By using only one compound, we will then know what effects and sides we are prone to. This eliminates that possibility of having to guess if it's the test or the Dbol that is giving us the positive or negative result. It will also allow us to see if we even need to add other compounds. Maybe test alone will get us to where we want to be and not need to add in anything else. Much cheaper and less health concerns that way too.
    I could keep going but I think you get my point.

  3. #3
    officious is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2015
    I know what you're saying, I've read it many times and agree with what has been said.

    I got half a bottle of Dbol for free from a buddy who is more experienced than I, and he started a cycle with dbol and had a bunch left over. It's kind of a why not use it if I have it kind of thing. It's not like I can shift it to someone else, but I'll probably just end up sitting on till next time depending on the feedback.

  4. #4
    Jmjk13 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2014
    I actually read one thread on here that suggested using Dbol during the end of a cycle when test is at its highest. The thought was you can take advantage of it better while your body is at its peak. It was pretty interesting and there were some vets in on it that said it made sense.
    I wonder if that would be a better way for a beginner. At least you would see how your body is responding to the test somewhat before mixing anything else in.

  5. #5
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to forum
    Your cycle is pretty good basic first cycle but...
    As stated above skip the dbol because if you have sides you will not know what caused it.
    I think you posted your pct backwards? You need to tapper down doseages like clomid 75/50/50/25 and nolva 40/40/20/20
    Hcg And test doseages look good
    I would try to get your bf% under 15% before you start.
    I understand your thought process on dbol but it your diet is spot on and training routine is right you are going to make some great gains off your first cycle of just test.
    Get before and after blood also
    And pct and coming off is just as important as the cycle and it effects people differently so stay focus and keep training and eating proper as if your were still on.
    Good luck

  6. #6
    officious is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2015
    Yes I just realized I have no idea what happened while typing this up.

    And I'll skip the dbol .

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Last edited by officious; 02-04-2015 at 07:41 PM.

  7. #7
    ojm3 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Good choice. Save it for next cycle.

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