02-05-2015, 04:11 PM #1New Member
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Brand new to it all and i need female advice!
I am 27 years old
130 lbs
32% BF- ugh I know!
I'm naturally kind of chubby but if I work my body hard, I can keep it normal. I am somewhat out of shape right now and I need a kickstart ASAP. I've just went down a pants size so I have the ball rolling. I can be disciplined so that is why I feel this is right for me. I have done a little research and my boyfriend has been juicing for years. He's a huge meathead, I don't trust his man opinion so I need woman help ASAP!
My boyfriend will be buying me Anavar next week. All tips and critism welcome! I'm blindly going into this.
Can I take birth control on this?
I changed BC a year ago and my face has freaked out- I now have adult acne and I'm worried will this make it worse? Especially if I have to stop my BC!
How deep will my voice get and is it permanent? I already have a raspy voice as is and lose it constantly.
I'm a little person and sensative to pills as is- Should I do one 10mg once a day or two 5 mg twice a day?
02-05-2015, 04:40 PM #2
Welcome! my advice is to refine your diet and you can achieve almost anything. anavar is usually cycled when you are already cut. but since you're out of shape id say his the diet section. to answer your questions,
Can I take birth control on this? not sure!
I changed BC a year ago and my face has freaked out- I now have adult acne and I'm worried will this make it worse? Especially if I have to stop my BC! I never heard var causing acne.
How deep will my voice get and is it permanent? I already have a raspy voice as is and lose it constantly. these are possible sides and no one really knows how it will effect you.
I'm a little person and sensative to pills as is- Should I do one 10mg once a day or two 5 mg twice a day? you may want to take NAC for liver support.
WILL I BE ABLE TO SLEEP? LOL , should be fine, worst case scenario take melatonin.
02-05-2015, 05:13 PM #4
yeah I did var for short cycles at 40mgs ed, didn't experience any acne, but other sides were terrible like HBP, cramps, liver toxicity and destroyed my lipids! wasn't worth it for me.
Sorry to say, but you don't need juice - check your diet & workout
At higher BF% you will not achieve the results you want to see
02-05-2015, 06:34 PM #7
Hi. Welcome!!! Var won't do anything until your diet is tight so suggest you jump over to the nutritional forum, post up stats and typical day. There's some useful stickies cutting 101 that will help with food choices!
BC sux. I hated them and eventually switched to a cervical cap. Hate those hormones which promote estrogen. Estrogen and AAS just not a desired combo and would opt for IUD or barrier method over bcp. I would not tolerate the acne you described neither. If I get one pimple, I get spastic.
Var will not cause scratchy throat / deepening of voice. Split dosing is ok. I take ketotifen for sleep aid but should not need for var.
Consider asking for pink access to female only forum in the sticky in this forum. Some good information on cycles for women. You should really do more research b4 you put s substance in your body. Don't go blind. .
Always remember. Diet and training are 80%. Gear at most 20%. Gear only augments a strong diet and training plan.
What if you hit more sauce
It's hard to put juice into perspective of what and how much exactly it does. You can hit the juice and just not use it to it's full potential - getting close to no results
Just like guys trying to lose weight - we say no gear till below 15%Bf < < Shit, I dropped from 30% to sub 15% in 3+ months running a low dose of test - did the juice do it - no
But, you can hit such an extreme cal deficit diet while on & still retain LBM - nothing compared to natty
So, theoretically it can be most likely done with Var - But, this is much more work than it sounds
Checking your diet & routine is just more simple to do without trying to go extreme
But, extreme is what it sometimes takes < < < < < < not often, at all
02-06-2015, 12:13 AM #9
^^^ I believe the OP is not looking to look like a BB, i could be wrong but I believe she's simply looking to lose some fat, and there for GGR is correct in her estimation. And you being on a low dose is a perfect amount to shed fat, that's why most TRTers lose fat drastically. JMO
02-06-2015, 06:38 AM #10
[QUOTE="< <Samson> >"] 20%?! What if you hit more sauce /QUOTE]
More isn't always better
02-06-2015, 06:39 AM #11Originally Posted by bass
Either way, diet is #1
Sadly to say
I have come across plenty of folk who got juice happy, but are still way out of shape due to poor eating habits.
All juice is just a tool - up to the user to use it to its full potential.
No miracle shit at all - well, Pharmaceutical GH < lol
02-06-2015, 09:21 AM #13
Wanted to clarify, of course TRT by itself doesn't automatically burn fat, it's the effects, sense of well being which motivates to work out, eat healthier, etc...
02-06-2015, 10:41 AM #14Originally Posted by bass
02-06-2015, 12:40 PM #15
Likewise GGR.
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