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Thread: 2nd day of no PCT and lost sex drive + ED. Please help

  1. #1

    Question ----

    Last edited by longchi; 02-12-2015 at 04:27 PM.

  2. #2
    also I have a depressed feeling

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    How long did you take PCT? How much?

    After checking your other post it could be a few things such as mental. It seemed you had a LOT of concerns before starting and during your PCT so ti could be physiological.

    It could also be what you were taking was fake. Yes you had strength gains but placebo is pretty amazing and with the added motivation alone you can have good gains, especially at your age.

    It could be the gear you had was fake and you crashed your estrogen and test. This is why we recommend a pre blood test, mid cycle blood test and after cycle blood test. You may just have to sweat it out a couple more weeks and get blood work done and hopefully things have bounced back to normal by then.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 02-08-2015 at 02:19 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    What was your pct protocol. What were you taking while on cycle? As lovbytes said, ancilaries could be fake. Could also be a thousand other things. Need more input.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2014
    Clomid has a half life of 5-7 days, tamoxifen even longer, you have psycological issues IMO.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Clomid has a half life of 5-7 days, tamoxifen even longer, you have psycological issues IMO.
    Still, it might mean that even at shorter time lengths the concentration goes below the activity threshold. Half life is not an indication whether a substance is within the therapeutic range.

    It is well known that hormonal manipulations can alter mood. It doesn't make it any less "real", or dangerous for that matter. A depressed person, whatever the reason for that depression is, can be a threat to himself at certain circumstances. I am not saying that this is the case for the OP (if it is, go see a doctor!).

    I know that was not what you were saying Mr. BB, I just want to clarify that the "it's psychological and thus not-important/temporary/fictional/in-your-head" approach is wrong imho.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cucu View Post
    I know that was not what you were saying Mr. BB, I just want to clarify that the "it's psychological and thus not-important/temporary/fictional/in-your-head" approach is wrong imho.
    Psychological issues are even more difficult to solve than hormonal problems.

    If you follow OPs posts/threads you can see he is concerned about the problems of cycling. He started a cycle by a "friends advice", he is young (22), he already had ED problems mid cycle. This is why this forum advices not to take steroids before 25, youngs are at much higher risk of having this problems being by a non matured HPTA, and also many times there are underlying psycological issues that can also contribute to HPTA problems.
    There are many variables that can influence this, but dont underestimate the power of the brain.

    Even the high blood pressure OP was complaining could be a possible reason for ED.

  8. #8
    Would anyone suggest a blood test now? I was told wait six weeks but would it be smart to check now and again in six weeks

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by longchi
    Would anyone suggest a blood test now? I was told wait six weeks but would it be smart to check now and again in six weeks
    No - your levels are spiking all over the place atm

    Try to relax & focus on anything other than the juice.

  10. #10
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    ^^ this and just know this is the worst part... If you were already worried about this as stated above... Your brain is very powerful - and can give you side effects from just stressing about them(hypochondriac - no pun intended)... Stay focused and as busy as possible though you dont feel like doin sh*t - it's the best thing for your body and mind! IMO... Stay calm and just ride it out then get your BW 6 wks after PCT!
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-08-2015 at 11:28 AM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    ^^ this and just know this is the worst part... If you were already worried about this as stated above... Your brain is very powerful - and can give you side effects from just stressing about them(hypochondriac - no pun intended)... Stay focused and as busy as possible though you dont feel like doin sh*t - it's the best thing for your body and mind! IMO... Stay calm and just ride it out then get your BW 6 wks after PCT!
    Thanks a ton

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by longchi View Post
    Thanks a ton
    No worries... We've all gone thru our hard times... You'll be ok... A lot easier said then done sometimes but just try and remain as calm as you can... This is when the real recovery starts(With time it gets better and better)...

  13. #13
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    Apr 2014
    Try cialis for the ED

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Try cialis for the ED
    Just so you know in my BCAA mix(which I don't use while on) it says right on the back "do not use PDE-5 Inhibitors(cialis/Viagra) as it will render them inactive"... I didn't believe that it that would happen - boy was I wrong! So just make sure none of your supps or OTC anything doesn't have that effect!

    I'll admitt I was worried then started reading the labels again to see if I missed something(in which I sure did)... I stopped taking that mix immediately and the Cialis worked great! Plus it has a positive effect on lowering BP and helping w/Prostate on cycle(why lots of members use it + b/c of its main purpose lol!!! Works great!

  15. #15
    Is a prescription needed for cialis?

  16. #16
    I also have the worst depression of my life.. Any idea how long til it goes?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by longchi
    I also have the worst depression of my life.. Any idea how long til it goes?
    Depends bro - on quite a few personal factors

    Me - I had shit natural test numbers to start. Got on the sauce, PCT'd twice - I could not shake the depressive state at all

    After 2nd pct, I ran a 3rd cycle & just stayed on. Running fairly low TRT type doses in between cycles.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Depends bro - on quite a few personal factors

    Me - I had shit natural test numbers to start. Got on the sauce, PCT'd twice - I could not shake the depressive state at all

    After 2nd pct, I ran a 3rd cycle & just stayed on. Running fairly low TRT type doses in between cycles.
    Hey Samson... I have had that problem since 07(car accident) caused LowT... Always knew but I confirmed it w/BW.... But slways PCT'd and my Pituitary is fine... But it'll tank once I start TRT won't it? I know hCG is to mimick LH and stimulate leydig cells but I'm seriously considering staying on for a lil while as I know TRT is in my future... Your opinion - fix now or after or really don't matter? Lol you know ehst I mean...

    I know it's not ideal... The depression for me is terrible too!!! Ehy I'm askin your opinion...
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-08-2015 at 06:55 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by longchi View Post
    Is a prescription needed for cialis?
    Yes to get Cialis you will need a rx unless you order it from ar-r (upper right corner)
    I have used ar-r liquid Cialis and many others here without any complaints, some say it's even better than the pill and definitely a lot cheaper.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Hey Samson... I have had that problem since 07(car accident) caused LowT... Always knew but I confirmed it w/BW.... But slways PCT'd and my Pituitary is fine... But it'll tank once I start TRT won't it? I know hCG is to mimick LH and stimulate leydig cells but I'm seriously considering staying on for a lil while as I know TRT is in my future... Your opinion - fix now or after or really don't matter? Lol you know ehst I mean... I know it's not ideal... The depression for me is terrible too!!! Ehy I'm askin your opinion...

    Don't wanna thread Jack too much & I don't know what you mean - I think

    As far as Cialis - I still wanna try out Ar-r's shit out. I have been using Indian genetic c's & v's. And I swear they just vary in quality.

  21. #21
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    ^^ as stated above is the wAy to go... Their liq. C is G2G... IMO - way better than yhe pill form!

  22. #22
    Cialis 30mL 30mg/mL

    Is this liquid cialis? It seems like it but everyone seems to be using it on rats?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by longchi View Post
    Cialis 30mL 30mg/mL

    Is this liquid cialis? It seems like it but everyone seems to be using it on rats?
    Yes it's for "research purposes only" that's why one can get it... Don't worry... It's all G2G buddy! Legally a chemical site can't sell things "for human consumption" yhats why it refers to research purposes... I hope you get what I'm trying to convey to you! G2G!

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Yes it's for "research purposes only" that's why one can get it... Don't worry... It's all G2G buddy! Legally a chemical site can't sell things "for human consumption" yhats why it refers to research purposes... I hope you get what I'm trying to convey to you! G2G!
    Ohhh haha, makes sense now. I should have known once i read 'the male rat's back legs cant touch the floor, female rats have been removed'

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