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Hi guys, i'm finishing my last two weeks on anavar only, i have been taking it for six weeks. This is not my first anavar only cycle but i have made some really nice strength gains and i feel a little bit suppression to my natural test. I started taking 40mg the first week than i bumped it up to 50mg and than 60mg and i have continued on that dosage through out the cycle. So it would be really nice if you could answer few questions for me.
1) What pct do you recommend? and how long should i cycle at pct? how much?
2) I have decided that i am going to do another anavar cycle so how long should i wait before i start taking it again?
3) some guy that i know suggested me to take proviron for pct and he can get it from pharmaceutical? so is it common to take prov only for pct or stack it with nolva? or just take nolva/clomid only?