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Thread: Thoughts on pct after anavar only cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Thoughts on pct after anavar only cycle?

    Hi guys, i'm finishing my last two weeks on anavar only, i have been taking it for six weeks. This is not my first anavar only cycle but i have made some really nice strength gains and i feel a little bit suppression to my natural test. I started taking 40mg the first week than i bumped it up to 50mg and than 60mg and i have continued on that dosage through out the cycle. So it would be really nice if you could answer few questions for me.

    1) What pct do you recommend? and how long should i cycle at pct? how much?

    2) I have decided that i am going to do another anavar cycle so how long should i wait before i start taking it again?

    3) some guy that i know suggested me to take proviron for pct and he can get it from pharmaceutical? so is it common to take prov only for pct or stack it with nolva? or just take nolva/clomid only?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    ps, i'm 22 years old, my height is 166cm or so and i weight around 65 kg and i am currently 6-8% bodyfat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    Hi guys, i'm finishing my last two weeks on anavar only, i have been taking it for six weeks. This is not my first anavar only cycle but i have made some really nice strength gains and i feel a little bit suppression to my natural test. I started taking 40mg the first week than i bumped it up to 50mg and than 60mg and i have continued on that dosage through out the cycle. So it would be really nice if you could answer few questions for me.

    1) What pct do you recommend? and how long should i cycle at pct? how much?

    2) I have decided that i am going to do another anavar cycle so how long should i wait before i start taking it again?

    3) some guy that i know suggested me to take proviron for pct and he can get it from pharmaceutical? so is it common to take prov only for pct or stack it with nolva? or just take nolva/clomid only?
    This is the kind of things you should learn BEFORE cycling. This is very basic stuff.

    1. Get nolva and clomid. Run nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50. This is the standard dosages, some people like running it slightly higher or lower. Personal preference.

    2. If youre gonna do another anavar cycle, use test along. The break between cycles should be cycle lenght + pct lenght at a minumum.

    3. Proviron does not aid recovery.

    Doing steroids without test is not a good idea. Always use test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    okei thanks, but is it necessary to stack nolva with clomid? is it maybe better for faster recovery?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    okei thanks, but is it necessary to stack nolva with clomid? is it maybe better for faster recovery?
    Its prefered, as they work in synergy. If that makes sense.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    just to be certain, when you are talking about 40/40/20/20 you are talking about 40mg each day for two weeks and 20mg for two weeks?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    just to be certain, when you are talking about 40/40/20/20 you are talking about 40mg each day for two weeks and 20mg for two weeks?

  8. #8
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    Proud Bostonian
    You really ought to consider doing a complete cycle that will truly benefit you.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    Hi guys, i'm finishing my last two weeks on anavar only, i have been taking it for six weeks. This is not my first anavar only cycle but i have made some really nice strength gains and i feel a little bit suppression to my natural test. I started taking 40mg the first week than i bumped it up to 50mg and than 60mg and i have continued on that dosage through out the cycle. So it would be really nice if you could answer few questions for me.

    1) What pct do you recommend? and how long should i cycle at pct? how much?

    2) I have decided that i am going to do another anavar cycle so how long should i wait before i start taking it again?

    3) some guy that i know suggested me to take proviron for pct and he can get it from pharmaceutical? so is it common to take prov only for pct or stack it with nolva? or just take nolva/clomid only?
    You should just stop your cycle and research first so you know what you're doing, also everyone knows you should only do test for your first cycle, not to mention you should never run anything without test.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Sounds like your guy wants to just sell you proviron, wouldnt trust him. And next time run hcg during cycle + test + ai

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    alright guys, i will finish this one and than take a good pct and do a lot of research before going on another cycle, but do you think it would be okay to do nolva only for pct? its really hard to get my hands on clomid on my country

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx
    alright guys, i will finish this one and than take a good pct and do a lot of research before going on another cycle, but do you think it would be okay to do nolva only for pct? its really hard to get my hands on clomid on my country
    Last year i did 5 week anavar only cycle,same dosage as yours,i took only Nolva as PCT,my libido was dead for months.Also check cholesterol,cuz mine went to the roof.
    Last edited by MrFreshmaker; 02-12-2015 at 03:06 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    so did nolva do nothing for you? you said you're libido was dead for months? you mean months after you finished pct? or what?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx
    so did nolva do nothing for you? you said you're libido was dead for months? you mean months after you finished pct? or what?
    Libido started to go down while on PCT,when i finished PCT,it was totally dead.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kiddx View Post
    Hi guys, i'm finishing my last two weeks on anavar only, i have been taking it for six weeks. This is not my first anavar only cycle but i have made some really nice strength gains and i feel a little bit suppression to my natural test. I started taking 40mg the first week than i bumped it up to 50mg and than 60mg and i have continued on that dosage

    through out the cycle. So it would be really nice if you could answer few questions for me.

    1) What pct do you recommend? and how long should i cycle at pct? how much?

    2) I have decided that i am going to do another anavar cycle so how long should i wait before i start taking it again?

    3) some guy that i know suggested me to take proviron for pct and he can get it from pharmaceutical? so is it common to take prov only for pct or stack it with nolva? or just take nolva/clomid only?

    What were your experience with anavar and mass gains?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    guys what are you're thoughts on that? Freshmaker says that he's libido went down on pct and after the pct it was completely down? so if i do pct i am risking on shutting my libido down?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You already shut yourself down, your libido will be dead without pct, get both clomid and nolvadex. You can get clomid from the banner on top (site sponsor)
    What country you in?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    well i did not expect much for mass gains, i know anavar is the mildest steroid out there so i it did not expect much like i said, but my goal was to get ripped and get strength. i have gained around two kgs and dropped a good amount in bodyfat also. And on the way i have broken personal records in strength for bench,squat etc so it was just an experiment this cycle i would say and if i have learned something from taking anavar only is that you need to take it for a pretty long time to get the best resault but i am really happy with my six weeks on it and i will do more research for next cycle and probably add test with it

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