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Thread: DNP can it even be used safely?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    East Coast

    DNP can it even be used safely?

    Im Asking because I happened to Come across an old thread that had been bumped, no need to discuss that thread any further, but my question after reading a little about it along with some horror stories is, would you be able to run it safely? Or is any dose deadly (depending On the individual of course) is it just a roll of the dice? Many People say its Just not worth it, and speak of it like they would rather shoot up heroin or something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Magic32 has a thread on it, search for it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    IMO any drug having temporary and manageable side effect or bearable can be use if taken responsably...

    however even if DNP have harsh sides those can be managed or dealt with...
    But... being what it is (a pesticide) DNP have numerous longterm side effect within the body.
    which I didnt research deeply.

    but even if some.of them can be positive I would be extremely surprise to realize that a pesticide have positif long term side that outweight the cons...

    I considered DNP at one point like anyone. but my first research was. whats the longterm sides effect and it turn me off within 15mins of research...

    its still an extremely dangerous drugs that can kill you if not managed well... and it vomes with serious potentiel health harm.on the long run...
    IMO it do not worth it...

    Rather use 1g tren a week...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    DNP use is like juggling nitroglycerin ampules.

  5. #5
    DNP can be run relatively safely. It's obviously one of the morse risky compounds out there but those risks can be minimized if ran smartly. I'll be running it at the end of March. Regardless it's not a decision you just jump into head first.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    DNP can be run relatively safely. It's obviously one of the morse risky compounds out there but those risks can be minimized if ran smartly. I'll be running it at the end of March. Regardless it's not a decision you just jump into head first.
    My post above should have added "if you don't know what you're doing". I know many have used it safely, and anyone who is going to use it needs to research it heavily before doing so. I wouldn't personally use it but I don't judge those who do. It's just definitely not a newbie drug.

  7. #7
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    I put it in a similar category as running insulin. If you dont know 100% what you are doing they can be very dangerous and also 99.9% of the people here dont need either.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    I watched a vid a while ago and young boston lyoyd is going to be running it in is next prep!I don't u stand why myself it's possibly the most dangerous thing to take,I am very afraid of insulin but wouldn't dream of dnp!

  9. #9
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mark woods
    I watched a vid a while ago and young boston lyoyd is going to be running it in is next prep!I don't u stand why myself it's possibly the most dangerous thing to take,I am very afraid of insulin but wouldn't dream of dnp!
    Oh man i d love to see boston loyd end up killing himself cause of all this abuse. So sad he has a fanbase from all of that lol

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Why would anyone consider using a poison is beyond me when you can use other compounds what are far more safer and will be long term better for your goal. Only the stupid and desperate should only consider this poison imho..

    Please read this from Magic32 - HOF

    People should really stop imparting drug characteristics to this poison. DNP IS A POISON, and more specifically a toxic one!

    For example, will the authors of the above posts that cite DNP's halflife please reveal your sources? This type of interpolated propaganda, seen on many boards and parroted throughout the web, often emanates from a few self proclaimed authorities who have written inaccurate handbooks, profiles, FAQ's or spiels on a subject. Let me state for the record that you're not building up mgs as stated above, you are slowly, purposefully (controlling dosage & intervals) poisoning yourself to benefit from a very specific and desirable symptom. This is very similar to that of chemotherapy in which some poisons (chemo meds) are controlled and employed to battle others (various cancers).

    Yes...pesticides, poisons, and toxins have halflives, but not genuine ones in the since that medicinal drugs do. They don't saturate your blood levels to a maximum benefit concentrations, instead they contaminate or toxify your blood, and in some cases tissue, to the extent that they elicit natural physiological responses.

    Here's some relevant reading for greater comprehension of the signs, symptoms and very natural physiological effects of poisoning (not side effects) as well as their blood concentration effects, and testing techniques (most of which are quite different):
    http://<br />
    http://<br /> http://ianrpubs.unl.e...des/ec2505.htm
    http://<br />

    I realize that it's far more desirable to refer to DNP in terms of how long it takes to BUILD-UP, SATURATE, OR KICK-IN, but a far more accurate d-e-piction would be how long it takes for your body to become affected by and respond to your deliberate poisoning efforts. The inverse of halflife uptake is that of extinction, and similarly there is no defined expiration for the expulsion of poisons from the body. These chemicals leave your body based on type (blood or tissue inhabitants---DNP is both), severity of exposure/toxicity (amount, duration & frequency) and the speed/efficiency of your body's own ability (including external resource assistance when applicable) to rid itself of these agents.

    DNP is and has always been dangerous and it should be obvious that I'm not a proponent, but many of us are here to help others and that's what this monologue is for. As stated so eloquently by Goose above:

    This stuff is for people right on the edge that are taking risks with their health anyway. It's an informed decision, like this is what it does, here it is, you're going to do it anyway so let's do it as safely as possible. I think it's ignorance that kills us, so let's kill ignorance. I had to add my $.02.
    Oh, and by the way, no offense to those who've tried unknowingly, but even attempting to frontload such a chemical is absurd. Many of the techniques revealed on these webpages are not readily transferable to hormones, compounds, chems or supps other than those explicitly described. Please be more careful with your bodies, and be sure to read and question thoroughly prior to practicing.

    DNP is a chemical used in many products for a variety of different purposes. Only when it was discovered that people working with this chemical began to lose weight, tactilely and via inhalation, were attempts made to convert it into drug form for human consumption. These endeavors were halted as people began dying from an ASSORTMENT of both very LOW and HIGHER dosages, unlike your above d-e-piction and false analogy (Clen ). "Deaths have occurred in people who ingested 3-46 milligrams of dinitrophenols per kilogram of body weight per day (3-46 mg/kg/day) for short periods, or 1-4 mg/kg/day for long periods." ( I won't even bother listing links for the numerous and varied deaths and dosages.

    Some chemicals are simply not suited for consumption due to their poisonous natures not mere toxicity, which as you so correctly implied all drugs have the capacity for. Dinitro-ortho-cresol (DNOC) and Dinitrophenol are the two main phenolic pesticides. These substances are used in agriculture CHIEFLY as selective w-e-e-d and pest killers for cereal crops and for the destruction of potato haulm, a far cry from drugs! DNP's toxic effects often appear at blood concentrations greater than 30 mg/l (thus making it an add up your toxicity mgs not drug ones, and latent rash effects experienced by some), while concentrations greater than 60 mg/l are associated with severe toxicity (the reason even our low dose regimens must be short).


    I sure hope no one ever finds weight loss benefits in Chlorine. Of course its natural and necessary at certain levels, but it is also irritating and corrosive to the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. Similarly the effects d-e-pend on how much you are exposed to and for how long. Exposure to low concentrations of chlorine gas (1 to 10 ppm) may cause sore throat, cou***ng, and eye and skin irritation. Exposure to higher levels could cause burning of the eyes and skin, rapid breathing, narrowing of the bronchi, wheezing, blue coloring of the skin, accumulation of fluid in the lungs, and pain in the lung region. Exposure to even higher levels can produce severe eye and skin burns, lung collapse, and death. Sound familiar?

    Permit me to enlist an even better example, one that has genuine medicinal benefits. We brush with fluoride everyday and even fluoridate our water, but that does not negate the FACT THAT IT IS A POISON. This is why we're always told not to swallow even the very small amount in toothpaste; doing so can cause Fluorosis (look it up if curious).

    But what the heck if they'll burn a little stored fat let's gel cap 'em and call them both drugs too.

    In short, consumption of:

    Drugs = Help
    Poisons = Danger What help is DNP? Oh yeah temporal fat loss is one of the symptoms of mild DNP poisoning. That statement, although quite true, doesn't really help your case.

    Admittedly, it is true that your declaration "Poison and drug is an arbitrary definition", does have some validity as I expressed above with fluoride and earlier in the this thread with Chemo as both could technically be called drugs. Ironically neither truly supports your cause, you see both are used like all poisons to kill something, the former decay promoting oral germs, and the latter wayward cancerous cells. The key is to use only enough of these poisons to kill the negatives, while preserving the positives. So technically, we're enlisting poisons to do what poisons do, kill organisms (this is why I mentioned Chlorine). Such a task doesn't make them drugs, but rather defines them as poisons.

    Here's another hint that a poison is a poison. If the thing (chem, compound, element, etc.) fits comfortably as a suffix for the word "poisoning" (ie. Cyanide poisoning, Lead poisoning, Fluoride poisoning, DNP poisoning), it's probably safe say it is one!

    Lastly, take a look at this and see if DNP is on The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) list under "Information on specific poisons"...
    Now that one had to hurt a little!

    Set #1 (From primary clinical researchers)

    This, then, is a toxic product, no matter how introduced into the animal organism, whether by ingestion, intravenously, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, or even rubbed on the skin...

    ...As the result of the animal experiments of Mayer, previously alluded to, dinitrophenol was proved to be a specific poison...

    ...Jaundice and other symptoms of liver damage were reported by various observers. N'53'55-57'63"116...

    ...patients showed similar powdery anterior subcapsular changes, denser posterior subcapsular opacities resembling brass filings, and rapid loss of vision...

    ...A total of nine deaths[UNDER CLINICALLY CONTROLLED CONDITIONS MIND YOU] have been reported from the use of dinitrophenol and one from dinitro-ortho-cresol.60-69 Three patients died from overdoses. Three of the remainder had agranulocytosis [results in a syndrome of frequent chronic bacterial infections of the skin, lungs, throat, etc.]. In the majority of cases death occurred within twenty-four hours after the onset of such toxic manifestations as dizziness, fatigue, dyspnea, high temperature, intense thirst, and excessive perspiration...

    ...[AND PROBABLY THE MOST DAMNING] They stated further that "to treat a mild chronic condition such as obesity with a toxic agent capable of inducing serious injury and death appears to be unjustified."

    1: a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism b (2) : something destructive or harmful (3) : an object of aversion or abhorrence

    We have a winner, because this exemplifies all that DNP does within any organism, regardless of low controlled dosing or stellar fat loss (normally bad mind you), is slowly and methodically degrade life. Every single effect it has is a sign or symptom of impairment which if continued will escalate to their necessary and logical end...death. It's great that one of these signs is fat loss, and that it can be harnessed, safely in short durations, but that's neither a property nor a side effect. Incidentally, when has the extreme (up to a lb. a day) sudden weight/fat loss of an otherwise healthy organism (not speaking of obesity or bb'ers) ever been a good thing? What a world we live in where overtly poisonous negatives can become positives. Only an obesity-laden, self-absorbed, irrationally vain, microwavable immediacy seeking (not that I don't nuke) society would consider DNP.


    1: a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication. (2) a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

    Granted they can be harmful, we've already established that the misappropriation of anything can so be, but that is not their intent hence the term "SIDE" effect. But rather, they work by imposing their intended beneficial properties as illustrated in def. #2 above. Their toxicity and harmfulness are all unfortunate side effects not primary effects like those of poisons.


    How anyone could attempt to support a thesis with such haphazard empirical evidence is beyond me. However, I fully realize that it's often difficult to assimilate new information once ones paradigm has become solidified. I only ask that you try to understand what is presented, whether you subscribe to it or not. For in the trying you demonstrate the potential for shifting paradigms in the future...and that is a good thing.

    Although I've enjoyed your rebuttals, I am starting to bore of the redundancies, and must move on to more productive endeavors. I'm confident that even the most cerebrally limited individual who considers what has been presented within this thread will come to a singular and inevitable conclusion.

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