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  • 1 Post By rplante7

Thread: Clarifying HCG mixture/dosing Questions

  1. #1
    xLoganx's Avatar
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    Clarifying HCG mixture/dosing Questions


    Beginning to ascertain the gear coming up for my 1st cycle (separate post, separate issue) and one thing that has gotten me uncertain is the HCG . Assumption in my opinion, is the first step to incompetence so I really want to make sure I am understanding this correctly.

    Here is what I have below (3 vials of HCG or 4500iu):

    Clarifying HCG mixture/dosing Questions-img_1997.jpgClarifying HCG mixture/dosing Questions-img_1998.jpg

    I ordered (4) vials, but my supplier only got me the (3). Hope it will be just enough ( I know, I know ). Here is what I understand so far from reading Austinites posts and many others about HCG:

    The (3) vials I have come with their own mixing solution, I am going to discard the mixing solution they came with and use BAC water so it last longer. Since the vials are 1500iu and if I mixed them with 1ml of BAC water, I would have 1500iu of HCG per ml or cc. If I mixed it with 3ml of water, I would have 500iu of HCG per ml or cc. Correct?

    So with that being said, if I mixed the 1500iu vial with 3ml of BAC water my dose would be .5 cc if I desired 250iu per injection, if I understand this correctly. In my 1st cycle I plan on Test-E for (10) weeks, so if I started the HCG in my 2nd week at 250iu twice a week it should put me right at (9) weeks or (18) total injections (4500iu/250iu).

    So my questions are..

    1. Is my math for mixture and dose correct?
    2. Does a .5cc injection sound about right? In other words, should the injection be more concentrated and be more like a .25cc injection?
    3. What's your guys realistic opinion about the amount of HCG I have on hand. Is there a great risk being a little short or is there great value on waiting and getting more HCG ( which in my case you're talking minimum order, 2nd cycle planning which I haven't even contemplated yet, etc. etc. ). I'm hoping you guys tell me.. "you should of gotten more, but you'll be ok".

    Thanks for all the help guys.. appreciate your time and feedback.

  2. #2
    rplante7's Avatar
    rplante7 is offline Junior Member
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    Your math is right and your plan is sound
    xLoganx likes this.

  3. #3
    xLoganx's Avatar
    xLoganx is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplante7 View Post
    Your math is right and your plan is sound
    Thanks for the feedback.

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