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Thread: SubQ help

  1. #1

    SubQ help

    Hey guys! I shot 1ml of sustanon into my delt and it went SubQ. I initially had a big hard lump which is now about 1/2 as highly raised and has softened up. No heat at sight, no fever, slight redness (barely noticeable).I believe that I had developed a sterile absyst and I'm wondering if I could get some advice.
    I would prefer not to visit the doctor or have to drain it if at all possible, so will heat packs help break this up?
    Anyone have any similar experience?
    Last edited by TestWanderer; 02-14-2015 at 09:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    They "usually " just take care of themselves over time and disappear. Hopefully this is the case for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    ^^ This and what size pin did you use?? Just curious...

  4. #4
    I inject my TRT Test Cyp 1ml/wk subQ in my stomach every week. You'll be fine. Your body will break down the esters and absorb the Test over time.

  5. #5
    isnt IM injections better for test?? I always assumed a sub q woukd hurt more. I am not aure I am probabalt wrong

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JamesSingh View Post
    isnt IM injections better for test?? I always assumed a sub q woukd hurt more. I am not aure I am probabalt wrong
    Yes like your other post, you are wrong. Think about it, to go IM you have to go through the SubQ layer, right? Going SubQ you have zero chance of hitting a nerve also.

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