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Thread: Spring Cycle Discussion

  1. #1

    Cool Spring Cycle Discussion

    Hi Guys,

    Its been about 6 years since I've posted on here. Its also been 6 years since my last cycle and I wanted to run my current plans by you and see what you think. Everyone likes to see stats so im gonna post them here...

    Wt: 192
    Ht: 5'11
    Bf%: 7-9%(fluctuates weekly)

    Training since High school football so about 10 years. I also stupidly took an Test-E only cycle when i was in my sr year of highschool. I also did another stupid cycle of 600mg Test-p/wk & Tren Ace 700mg/wk for 12weeks about two years after my first cycle.

    Since then I've been training 100% natty and I am pleased with my current physique, this is probably the best combination of size and bf I've ever had so I wanted to cycle up for spring to take my body to the next level.

    Here is my current cycle that I just started yesterday:

    Weeks 1-4 & 10-12: Test Prop 350mg/wk
    Weeks 1-10: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
    Weeks 8-12: Winstrol Tabs 50mg ED
    Weeks 1-12 Anavar suspension 80mg ED

    PCT: Nolva & HCG

    My biggest question is with injecting EoD of Test-P and Twice a week with Test-E, wouldnt it be better so that I am not jabbing myself 5.5 times a week for the first four weeks to just go ahead and pin the Test e EoD along with my prop?

    Also what do you guys think of my cycle? Any suggestions on improvement or minor tweaks you would think would benefit me?

    Any feedback is welcome positive or negative. Thanks!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by AddaxTheBulldog View Post
    Hi Guys,

    Its been about 6 years since I've posted on here. Its also been 6 years since my last cycle and I wanted to run my current plans by you and see what you think. Everyone likes to see stats so im gonna post them here...

    Wt: 192
    Ht: 5'11
    Bf%: 7-9%(fluctuates weekly)

    Training since High school football so about 10 years. I also stupidly took an Test-E only cycle when i was in my sr year of highschool. I also did another stupid cycle of 600mg Test-p/wk & Tren Ace 700mg/wk for 12weeks about two years after my first cycle.

    Since then I've been training 100% natty and I am pleased with my current physique, this is probably the best combination of size and bf I've ever had so I wanted to cycle up for spring to take my body to the next level.

    Here is my current cycle that I just started yesterday:

    Weeks 1-4 & 10-12: Test Prop 350mg/wk
    Weeks 1-10: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
    Weeks 8-12: Winstrol Tabs 50mg ED
    Weeks 1-12 Anavar suspension 80mg ED

    PCT: Nolva & HCG

    My biggest question is with injecting EoD of Test-P and Twice a week with Test-E, wouldnt it be better so that I am not jabbing myself 5.5 times a week for the first four weeks to just go ahead and pin the Test e EoD along with my prop?

    Also what do you guys think of my cycle? Any suggestions on improvement or minor tweaks you would think would benefit me?

    Any feedback is welcome positive or negative. Thanks!


  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply Jay, but perhaps you didnt read that this will be my third time?

    Will be uploading pictures soon so that you guys can view my progress

  4. #4
    Click image for larger version. 

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    This was me this morning. Prolly should have flexed a bit, but yea you get the picture

  5. #5
    That's 12-14%BF, nowhere near 9%.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dfarre View Post
    That's 12-14%BF, nowhere near 9%.
    I have to agree with the above. Small or skinny does not = low body fat per say. Yeah probably 12%+

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    I would pick either Winnie or 6 weeks of var but not both.

  8. #8
    Thanks for the reply but if you have nothing to contribute other than a false statement covering one line in my stats then dont bother.

    I have never been over 12%. Pictures can be a bit deceiving especially when you just ate breakfast and arent flexing. Its nearly impossible to read an accurate bf% in a picture. I know what it is, im the one that gets it measured.

    Heres another I took yesterday before bed. Yes I put a filter on it , lighting can be everything!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by AddaxTheBulldog; 02-16-2015 at 06:02 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by AddaxTheBulldog View Post
    Its nearly impossible to read an accurate bf% in a picture. I know what it is, im the one that gets it measured.
    It is very easy if it's legit 9%.
    9% looks like a freak.

  10. #10
    After doing some thinking. Im going to drop the Var completely and adding Deca at 300/wk weeks 1-10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hi, 12-15% IMO plus this is a great resource.. Cheers!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    You just made my day, if your 9% bf Im too

    Cycle after 6 years I would do a test only cycle, just follow the link itsjayman02 provided as your PCT and AI control are real bad on your proposed cycle.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by AddaxTheBulldog View Post
    After doing some thinking. Im going to drop the Var completely and adding Deca at 300/wk weeks 1-10
    Better off with npp for 10 weeks then deca. That is more or less a joint relief dose. Deca takes a while to get rolling and your not going to get alot out of it.

  14. #14
    Thanks for the replies guys!

    Im sorry but what is npp? Im not good with acronyms. Thats one of the reasons my source recommended that I add it. We workout together and I have some joint problems in my shoulders and knees, especially when lifting heavy. He said that it would make my gains have more quality of muscle since I dont retain water weight. I literally sweat 3-4x the normal person does, may have something to do with my stiff joints

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    So, yes pictures can be deceiving, as fat does not distribute evenly on the body and is not the same for all people.
    But, think of it like this. First of all, we have non-subcutaneous fat, that resides in our abdominal cavity (not the wall) and in other organs. This makes up to 1 - 5% of body weight, it varies. I'd give you the mean, 3% - 6.5 lbs
    You say you are at 7 - 9%, or 13.5 to 17 lbs. I'll give you the 17 lbs just to be fair.

    So you have around 10 lbs of subcutaneous fat.

    Then, think of the skin. For your size, i'd say your skin is 10 lbs to take a mean (some people say divide your weight by 16 in lbs and you have your skin's weight (12 for you), others say it's 8 - 10 lbs).

    Skin and fat have slightly different densities (1.1 and 0.9 kg/L respectively) but bear with me when I say that if you are 9% bf, you must have a fat layer as thick as your skin layer. This is a very lean status that few achieve and you can definitely tell when you see it.

  16. #16
    Nice post cucu. Very informative.

    However when I made this post, I had no intentions of talking about bf%. The first idiotic reply has kind of gotten things a bit off track. From viewing his posting yesterday about tren I'm inclined to disregard anything else he has to say about my thread.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Hey Addax...

    I was just looking over your PCT protocol and it looks like it could use some work...

    hCG is run on cycle(at 250iu e3.5d as its a suppressive! If one is trying to recover faster woulfnt it make sense to keep your testes from atrophying, and also keeping your testes functioning on cycle(it also stimulates Leydig cells as well! Make sense? hCG post cycle is an outdated method and Rich Piana isn't as smart as people think! After being completely shut down for 12 wks and then take hCG, it'll suppress your HPTA(LH function w/hCG post cycle)... Have a read on "hCG why it should be used on cycle" by austinite...

    Also clomid and Nolva should be your PCT something like this 75/50/50/50(some go a lil higher depending on compounds used)
    Nolva 40/40/20/20 (and can be run 2wks longer than clomid...

    And NPP is Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate(short ester version of Deca Durabolin being the long ester that can be detected up to 18 months in the blood) NPP is out in 4 days(not of blood)hence phenyl prop attached to the 19 nor Nandrolone... (Same compound shorter ester)...

    If running a 19 nor - they are progestins(which can cause a rise in Prolactin... A DA - Dopamime Agonist is usually the way to go(caber/or Prami) def have.... If your E2 isn't in check this will be problematic but if E2 is kept in check them you should not experience Prolactin sides... But it's always a decent idea to take a DA if your AI Isn't dialed in... GL OP!
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-16-2015 at 09:04 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by cucu View Post
    So, yes pictures can be deceiving, as fat does not distribute evenly on the body and is not the same for all people.
    But, think of it like this. First of all, we have non-subcutaneous fat, that resides in our abdominal cavity (not the wall) and in other organs. This makes up to 1 - 5% of body weight, it varies. I'd give you the mean, 3% - 6.5 lbs
    You say you are at 7 - 9%, or 13.5 to 17 lbs. I'll give you the 17 lbs just to be fair.

    So you have around 10 lbs of subcutaneous fat.

    Then, think of the skin. For your size, i'd say your skin is 10 lbs to take a mean (some people say divide your weight by 16 in lbs and you have your skin's weight (12 for you), others say it's 8 - 10 lbs).

    Skin and fat have slightly different densities (1.1 and 0.9 kg/L respectively) but bear with me when I say that if you are 9% bf, you must have a fat layer as thick as your skin layer. This is a very lean status that few achieve and you can definitely tell when you see it.
    Good description. What would you say my body fat is out of curiosity?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by AddaxTheBulldog View Post
    Thanks for the replies guys!

    Im sorry but what is npp? Im not good with acronyms. Thats one of the reasons my source recommended that I add it. We workout together and I have some joint problems in my shoulders and knees, especially when lifting heavy. He said that it would make my gains have more quality of muscle since I dont retain water weight. I literally sweat 3-4x the normal person does, may have something to do with my stiff joints
    Npp is just a faster acting version of deca.

  20. #20
    Thanks Nach, best post ive seen so far. Appreciate you going out of your way to explain the effects of 19-nors and my current pct!

    I have some HCG on hand. Im about 3 days into my cycle, when would you think it would be best to start HCG, and what doses and for how long?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    You'll want to start it now... From beginning of cycle up to 3 days prior to PCT... And PCT will begin 3 days after last pin(since running prop)

    You'll want to run the least amount possible... 250iu e3.5d(every 3.5 days) but (if still experiencing some atrophy you can take up to 1000iu a wk)... But dhoulnt have to...

    Read Austinites "educational article database" will answer all of your questions...

  22. #22
    So heres an update with some progress pics.

    7 weeks into cycle.

    Been running 350mgs Deca & 500mgs of test with 500 iu of HCG. Bout 7 weeks in and about to switch from deca to EQ and add in some anavar to really cut down.

    Going to extend this cycle to 16 weeks

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  23. #23
    what's your body fat now and how are you testing it

  24. #24
    No idea. not really concerned with bodyfat numbers while im on deca

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AddaxTheBulldog View Post
    So heres an update with some progress pics.

    7 weeks into cycle.

    Been running 350mgs Deca & 500mgs of test with 500 iu of HCG. Bout 7 weeks in and about to switch from deca to EQ and add in some anavar to really cut down.

    Going to extend this cycle to 16 weeks

    Click image for larger version. 

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    That's awesome man! How much have you gained?

  26. #26
    Started at 192 now im at 210. Pretty solid so far a bit of water retention but i dont mind.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by AddaxTheBulldog View Post
    So heres an update with some progress pics.

    7 weeks into cycle.

    Been running 350mgs Deca & 500mgs of test with 500 iu of HCG. Bout 7 weeks in and about to switch from deca to EQ and add in some anavar to really cut down.

    Going to extend this cycle to 16 weeks

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	156132
    Nice work brother!

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