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  1. #1
    web03 is offline Associate Member
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    2 questions....hernia/importing

    First of all im at the tail end of my in a diff country right now and went to the doc the other day for a bulge on my stomach. The doc referred me to a surgeon out in town so i went to the hospital today. The doc sent me to get an ultra sound and she seems to think its a hernia. I hope she fucked up b/c i can't deal with staying away from the iron. Has anyone had one of those bad boys and if so how long will i be out for?

    2.) Im heading back to the states for surgery so i still have a bottle of eq, a bottle of winnie and some sus left. I'm flying a military flight home and they search everything. So i was thinking about how i could get it back and i came up with this......could i draw it out of the bottle and put it into Visine bottles? I think it would be pretty sterile but what do you think?

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    twisteddendrite's Avatar
    twisteddendrite is offline New Member
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    The hernia repair they do now days, using a mesh,takes very little time to recover from.

  3. #3
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    There was a good article on hernias and bodybuilders in this month's Musclemag International...the "beautiful butts" issue. There was pictures of a guy competing with a huge hernia bulge sticking out of his stomach. If he could compete and look that good on stage, I don't see why it would take you out of the game for very long.

    As for importing your juice, the idea of injecting it all into your visine bottles is an option, where you probably will not get pinched. But, I would definitely question how sterile that would be. Maybe if you rinsed out the containers with rubbing alcohol first and let them dry, then injected the juice into the bottles. I did that with my liquidex once when flying because I was so paranoid.

  4. #4
    SubmissionGrappler's Avatar
    SubmissionGrappler is offline Associate Member
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    I got one of those hernias too ,its callled an epigastric hernia and its at the top middle center of my abs.I just push it back in and keep on goin.I'll get it fixed pretty soon its a real pain to keep on pushin it back in all the time,the only danger is leaving it out too long and the tissue or intestine dying from being strangled off from blood flow.Good luck on your pop up timer ,lol

  5. #5
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    It a depends where the hernia is and what method of surgery is chosen to correct the hernia. If you have a hernia in the pubic region (where most hernias are) there are two choices for surgery. Laproscopic surgery will keep you down for a few days. Weight lifting will be out of the question for at least a month. Now when I had my hernia surgery...the doctor felt that it would be best to actually open me up to see if my bowel is at all tangled. My hernia was considered to be lower than most. Anyway after the surgery (had mesh put in) I couldn't move. I was a cripple for a week...and still had problems walking after 2 weeks. I couldn't lift weight for close to 3 months. I would never go for the conventional surgery again! Get it done laproscopically!! A couple small incisions...some mesh...and you're walking again in 2 days.

  6. #6
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Your gear will not be sterile in a visine bottle. Just mail it to yourself.

  7. #7
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by twisteddendrite
    The hernia repair they do now days, using a mesh,takes very little time to recover from.
    BULLLLLL-SHIT! (Jk) but seriously, recovering from that surgery was a huge pain in the ass for me! I had it done a couple years back, and it was very painful. Imagine trying to do something as simple as getting out of bed w/o use of your ab muscles.-everything is very difficult and painful for at least a week or two or three.
    Good luck man

  8. #8
    web03 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah i talked to the surgeon about my options and she said that they would do the mesh surgery. Its not in my groin...i'll have to figure out the medical terminology but i know it is incarserated. So hopefully everything turns out ok. Thanks for the help.


  9. #9
    darmadoc is offline Member
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    Incarcerated means it can't be pushed back in. That usually mandates surgery sooner rather than later. I'd suggest you look for someone who can try to do it laporoscopicaly as the recovery will be shorter (but will still take a while).

  10. #10
    joe brooklyn is offline New Member
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    i had inguinel hernia in the lower pelivc area . i had it for a couple of years about 4yrs, the one that you discribe is some what worse than having it in the lower pelvic area, they reason i know this is because
    the doctor that preformed the hernia operation on me explained the various types of hernia one can get, and he mentioned to me that the one i had could wait to be fixed ,since the lump i had in the pelvic are was not moving down to the groan area, and the size was still with in reason. the size of a golf ball. but he said if it was the one in the stomach area i should not wait to get it fixed. and those are the worst hernia you can get, since they will continue to grow at a fast pace.
    and they will for sure and you can count on this. give you heart burn and lots of stomach problems as well as pain.
    as time go by these systoms will increase.
    the doc that profomed the opereration on me was
    very good, one of the first to ever perform a kidney trasnplant
    in the united states. so this operation was a walk in the ball park.
    but with all his experiene i was out of work for about 1month or more,and the pain was like getting hit by mack truck.
    for sure you will be out of work for about two weeks,
    what i learned from reading the diff procedures is that
    the mesh method is one of the fastest recovery methods.
    but i decided not to take that path since the doc informed me
    that in some cases the mesh can cause infections and
    if that is the case you will have to return to get the mesh removed
    and start all over again. so i decided to do it the old fashion way.
    also once the mesh is in you ,there are times that you will feel the
    mesh in side you,
    all i can say is that it is a painful recovery and that be ready for the pain. you will be out of the gym for a bout 4months times and take it easy when you do get back in the gym cause you could reopen the wound. full recovery is one year and trust me i was still feeling pain
    after 8months..... good luck

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