An I pin test p, test e and hcg at the same time or would that be too much volume for one pin? 100mg/ml of test prop 250mg/ml of test e and 250iu of hcg. I'm front loading with prop eod for first 4 weeks
An I pin test p, test e and hcg at the same time or would that be too much volume for one pin? 100mg/ml of test prop 250mg/ml of test e and 250iu of hcg. I'm front loading with prop eod for first 4 weeks
Depends entirely on the volume that you're injecting (which you haven't stated), and the muscle that you're injecting into (something which you also omitted)....
I go up to 3 cc's in my triceps and delts.
my bad for being vague. 3ml total with all three and in quads and glutes mainly sometimes in delts al well
glutes/ quads-2 cc
Delts( any head) , bis, tris and pecs- 1cc per site
My TRT is a 4ml injection and I shoot that all at once in either my glutes, delts or biceps without any issues.
Wow! Was just going to ask a similar question about delt shots and combining 1cc Test with 250iu of HCG. Thought I read somewhere that delts could only handle 1cc at a time? But then again.. Marcus looks like he knows what he's talking about!
So with that being said.. guess I'm good to go then huh?
thanks for all the feedback ill try 3ml in one pin and see how it goes
According to the Eshelman School of Pharmacy the maximum IM volume is 2mL in the deltoid, and 5mL in the glute.
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