anybody ever experience this. in about 7 weeks in on tren e, i just recently upped the dose a little i went from 200mg every third day to 150 every other day. sides are popping ben flipping the hell out over nothing just about every morning. soaked all night wake up every hour. the worst of the worst my muscles ben locking up and cramping bad. had it happen in my bicep multiple times, my lats a lot just from reaching behind my like every time i pin my glutes And it hurts. today i jumped up from the couch And the left side of my abs locked up bad i could feel it spasing in my hand it freaked me the hell out i thought my dam guts were going to pop out it locked up unbelievably tight And very painful i was about run out the house now its very sore after Ll said and done. scary stuff man whats this shit all about?