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Thread: Deca or tren?

  1. #1
    monster-ish's Avatar
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    Deca or tren?

    I Know that deca and ten fall in the same compound category so my question is which one to try first? I'm in my first cycle now test only but wanted to try one of the two to stack on my second. Any recommendations? Experience and opinions please and thanks

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Depends on your goals. Deca if you want mass, tren if you want to harden up and your body fat is low
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would say deca is a great second compound to add prior to using tren . They are both 19 nor's but act very different. I would not advise tren for a second cycle compound addition and depending on tour results and how you navigate through the side effects would also determine if you are ready for a second compound or if you even need one.

  4. #4
    600@50's Avatar
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    Tren is definately not a second cycle compound. Actually if you got good results from your test only cycle there is no reason not to repeat it or maybe bump the dose up a bit. Leave the tren for later. Make sure you can control your E2 before you add in a compound that will raise prolactin levels.
    Last edited by 600@50; 02-24-2015 at 11:49 AM.

  5. #5
    NACH3's Avatar
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    I couldn't agree more... I would love to run Tren but I know my limits and I'm not ready for it... I'm just doing my first NPP cycle(Nandrolone - same compound as Deca just a shorter ester)! And lovin it so far!

    I would also suggest a test only cycle if you got good gains - don't fix what isn't broke! Tren is a different animal in itself!

  6. #6
    SOL!D5NAK3's Avatar
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    two different compounds in terms of everything besides being a 19nor. i am in my second cycle right now a deca +test cycle and i love it , if i had access to tren i would def do tren. you will feel the sides of tren no matter what number of cycles you have done but your mind get stronger so you won't lose it .

  7. #7
    JWP806's Avatar
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    I would definitely go with Deca on your second cycle rather than tren . I've ran tren e and ace on separate cycles and I just felt like shit most of the time. I always feel great on deca and it especially helps if you have joint issues.

  8. #8
    monster-ish's Avatar
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    Thanks fellas for all the advice. I may see how this test only cycle goes and if I get good gains maybe I'll stick to test only for a while. As far as mass goes I'm trying to get more, a lot more before I start to cut at end of year. I've heard great things about both compounds but heard tren is def a animal in itself. Deca will be my first choice on my second cycle if I decide to stack. Another question though, I'm front loading with test p first four weeks to kick start my cycle. How similar is front loading with test p to front loading with deca? For second cycle front load with deca or run it whole cycle?

  9. #9
    NACH3's Avatar
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    The decanate ester is a long ester which should be run say 10 wks with test for another two wks after stopping the Deca ... Deca also takes a long time to clear your system... Look into NPP... Same compound but a short eater! Prop/NPP or if you prefer long esters and less pinning then test e/c Deca/NPP... You'd just need to run the NPP eod or just M/W/F...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by monster-ish View Post
    Thanks fellas for all the advice. I may see how this test only cycle goes and if I get good gains maybe I'll stick to test only for a while. As far as mass goes I'm trying to get more, a lot more before I start to cut at end of year. I've heard great things about both compounds but heard tren is def a animal in itself. Deca will be my first choice on my second cycle if I decide to stack. Another question though, I'm front loading with test p first four weeks to kick start my cycle. How similar is front loading with test p to front loading with deca? For second cycle front load with deca or run it whole cycle?
    when you say front loading are you really saying im going to kickstart the cycle with prop while im waiting for the long esterd test to kick in? you understand what "front loading" is? as its totally different than just "kickstarting" about laying out your proposed cycle so we can understand better, not quite understanding what your asking...

  11. #11
    monster-ish's Avatar
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    NACH3, I will def look into npp I think id rather have a short ester in case I have unwanted side effects so its easier to come off.

    ghettoboy d, sorry for the confusion. yes I meant im using the prop as a kick start until test e kick in. I do understand what front loading is but is not what im doing mixed up the words.

  12. #12
    strippatrippa is offline New Member
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    Iv done a test e tren e run at 500mg each a week
    Low dosage but sides for me were lack of sleep my head only wanted 2hrs a night if I was lucky plus cardiovascular side suffered tremendously but on the plus side clean eating gained a good 20+ kg keeping relatively clean ... At the start last 3 weeks splurged on what ever I could get my hands on...
    Currently running test e deca at 600mg per week .. Just doesn't feel the same

  13. #13
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monster-ish
    NACH3, I will def look into npp I think id rather have a short ester in case I have unwanted side effects so its easier to come off. ghettoboy d, sorry for the confusion. yes I meant im using the prop as a kick start until test e kick in. I do understand what front loading is but is not what im doing mixed up the words.
    npp is the better choice before jumping into tren or the decanate ester. It's a faster release so easier to manage the sides and titrate the dose if needed

  14. #14
    Stosh_112's Avatar
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    ^^^^^^ N.P.P is great to get the instant feel for Deca -D.... Keep the Tren cycles in the future after u have a few more cycles under the belt. It all stems from knowing ur body and its responce to TEST. With this being ur 2nd cycle its a lil early to jump into tren and wouldnt recommend N.P.P right now.... but personally i can account for myself that after 4-5 Test, Test/dbol Test/tbol i have still yet to master the mindset that TEST gives u as far as the sides... But in all reality people are gonna do what they want so at the least try N.P.P first to give u a taste of 19nor. Just a simple IMO n lookout for someones mental and physical health.

  15. #15
    KCMOman's Avatar
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    I had the same question about using Deca or Tren and my feedback was the same. I'm going with deca and test e stack saving the tren for next cycle if I'm ready. Good luck!

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