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  1. #1
    The Iron Game Guest

    Using Aromatase Inhibitors with Clomid / Nolvadex

    The enzyme aromatase is responsible for the conversion of androstenedione to estrone and of testosterone to estradiol.

    Nolvadex /Clomid can be classified as an estrogen antagonist.

    So what effect should that have on 'us'.

    Nolvadex & Clomid are both synthetic estrogens that bind to the estrogen receptor (er) and prevent real estrogen from binding and exerting any negative effects (antagonist).

    People who use clomid / nolvadex during a cycle still have increased levels of estrogen, it is just with the use of clomid / nolvadex the estrogen cannot bind to the er.

    This is good for those not wishing to suffer from increased estrogen levels while on a cycle. However once you stop the use of these estrogen antagonists your estrogen levels are still high and now these high levels can bind to the er where they can cause a number of unwanted side effects (female pattern fat distribution, gyno, water retention etc).

    Rather than to let this happen by using an aromatase inhibitor we can get to the root of the problem and prevent high levels of estrogen from forming in the first place.

    Arimidex is by far the best choice, then cytadren and proviron can also be used if the first is too expensive. Personally proviron is a good cheap alternative but seems not to work well for everyone. Cytadren can also be used but with this comes complications.

    When running clomid post cycle its always advisable to run either arimidex or proviron along side it. This has also helped people stay a little harder and its claimed to help keep gains while also preventing a rebound effect from elevated estrogen levels had they not been used.

    I would recommend people invest and research in arimidex/proviron as much as they invest / research in their actual cycle to save time headache and unwanted problems.

    Why settle for nolvadex which only prevents problems while using it when you can prevent problems from being initiated in the first place.

    btw I am no chemist, biologist or anything similar so anyone else wishing to add anything I along with others would be very interested.


    [email protected]

  2. #2
    Tobey is offline Retired IRON CHEF Mod
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    Hey Iron Game,
    Although I hold a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry, it is mostly geared toward environmental, not toward the medical side of the two fields. What your saying does make alot of sense though, weak synthetic estrogen blockers can reduce alot of unwanted side effects, although I was allways under the impression that one would use clomid/nov. ect for the post cycle for as long as the life span of the steriod that was being used in the stack. In other words, say if it took deca approx. 4 weeks to begin to taper off in your body you would need to cycle the anti-estorgen for at least that long or maybe even a liitle longer to ward off any side effects. Anyway, the question that I had was where would one find Arimidex ,Proviron , or Cytadren ? Can it be picked up in the local supplement store or would you have to go through your source to obtain it. Thanks for the input.

  3. #3
    The Iron Game Guest

    Re: Where?

    Originally posted by Tobey
    What your saying does make alot of sense though, weak synthetic estrogen blockers can reduce alot of unwanted side effects, although I was allways under the impression that one would use clomid/nov. ect for the post cycle for as long as the life span of the steriod that was being used in the stack. In other words, say if it took deca approx. 4 weeks to begin to taper off in your body you would need to cycle the anti-estorgen for at least that long or maybe even a liitle longer to ward off any side effects.

    This is correct but the problem still remains that estrogen in your body still remains high and once nolvadex /clomid is stopped the estrogen can now bind to the estrogen receptor. The solution is to prevent high estrogen levels in the first place or to get them down to within normal range before the nolvadex/clomid is stopped

    Anyway, the question that I had was where would one find Arimidex ,Proviron , or Cytadren ? Can it be picked up in the local supplement store or would you have to go through your source to obtain it. Thanks for the input.
    Unfortunately it is not available otc in 9 out of 10 countries and USA/Canada are two such countries where it isnt available otc.

    Fortunately they are easy enough to get hold of and any good source should stock clomid as well as arimidex and or proviron.

    The legal inplications of importing them are different as to those laws related to importing anabolic androgenic steroids . Cycleon knows more about the legal side of things in your country though.


  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    really fucking good post


  5. #5
    The Iron Game Guest

  6. #6
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    I intend to run Proviron with my next cycle as Armidex is £100 per box, WOW!


  7. #7
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Good post, IG. You now have me thinking more and more about my post game gear.

    I think I will take your advice and see if arimidex will work for me and not break the bank.

    Perhaps you can be a little more specific for those of us that would like to include the arimidex "along side" the clomid treatment.

    I plan on doing the 250/100/50 clomid therapy. What do you think would be a good dosage of Arimidex to do with this?

    Also, if one were wanting to include some Clen with all of this, would it be advisable to wait until the cloming/arimidex is complete, or run it parallel.

    Thanks, DUDE.

  8. #8
    XBiker's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Mike Guest

  10. #10
    The Iron Game Guest
    Originally posted by XBiker
    Perhaps you can be a little more specific for those of us that would like to include the arimidex "along side" the clomid treatment.

    I plan on doing the 250/100/50 clomid therapy. What do you think would be a good dosage of Arimidex to do with this?

    Also, if one were wanting to include some Clen with all of this, would it be advisable to wait until the cloming/arimidex is complete, or run it parallel.
    1/4 tab daily should be sufficient, I would look in to getting some liquidex as it works out much cheaper if cost is an issue.

    Clen I do not have much knowledge with, it can be run in so many different ways its not even funny

    also depends on your goals and why you are using the clen

  11. #11
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by The Iron Game

    Clen I do not have much knowledge with, it can be run in so many different ways its not even funny also depends on your goals and why you are using the clen
    Thanks for the Arimidex info, IG.

    As for the clen , I am planning on using it to thin down a bit when I come off cycle. In approximately six weeks, my cycle will end. 3-4 weeks of Clomid (and possibly Arimidex) and I will be totally off.

    Anyone else have expertise with Clen??

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