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So i'll probably get alot of people saying its a waste or whatever, but there seems to be some people who believe in shorter cycles.
Im planning a 5 week on, 6 week off/pct cycle. Reason being, i want to start soon, but if i do a longer 12 week cycle, i will be "off" all throughout summer. I want to start the shorter cycle for now (havent used in 4 months and cant wait any longer to get back on!), then run a 12week cycle throughout summer.
my short cycle would consist of:
Test P, Tren A, ( also have Dbol & winny on hand)
Something like
Test P 75mg/day for 5 weeks
Tren A 50mg/day for 5 weeks
2 days after last pin: Clomid 50/50/50/50 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Also have HCG on hand
also, i've never pinned ED, so was thinking double the dosa, EOD... any thoughts? i will try ED first though.
after this short cycle, my 12 week cycle will be as follows:
Test E 500mg/wk week 1-12
EQ 400mg/wk week 1-8
Tren 300mg/wk week 7-12
Arimidex at .25 eod on cycle
hCG 250iu every 3.5days, until week 12
week 13-14 OFF
PCT Week 15-18
clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 (an extra 1 or 2 weeks if needed)
thoughts on short and longer cycle? (mainly on short cycle...)