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Thread: Short cycle - Test P and Tren A

  1. #1

    Short cycle - Test P and Tren A

    So i'll probably get alot of people saying its a waste or whatever, but there seems to be some people who believe in shorter cycles.

    Im planning a 5 week on, 6 week off/pct cycle. Reason being, i want to start soon, but if i do a longer 12 week cycle, i will be "off" all throughout summer. I want to start the shorter cycle for now (havent used in 4 months and cant wait any longer to get back on!), then run a 12week cycle throughout summer.

    my short cycle would consist of:
    Test P, Tren A, ( also have Dbol & winny on hand)

    Something like
    Test P 75mg/day for 5 weeks
    Tren A 50mg/day for 5 weeks
    2 days after last pin: Clomid 50/50/50/50 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Also have HCG on hand

    also, i've never pinned ED, so was thinking double the dosa, EOD... any thoughts? i will try ED first though.

    after this short cycle, my 12 week cycle will be as follows:

    Test E 500mg/wk week 1-12
    EQ 400mg/wk week 1-8
    Tren 300mg/wk week 7-12
    Arimidex at .25 eod on cycle
    hCG 250iu every 3.5days, until week 12

    week 13-14 OFF

    PCT Week 15-18
    clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 (an extra 1 or 2 weeks if needed)

    thoughts on short and longer cycle? (mainly on short cycle...)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bombas-tdot View Post
    So i'll probably get alot of people saying its a waste or whatever, but there seems to be some people who believe in shorter cycles.

    Im planning a 5 week on, 6 week off/pct cycle. Reason being, i want to start soon, but if i do a longer 12 week cycle, i will be "off" all throughout summer. I want to start the shorter cycle for now (havent used in 4 months and cant wait any longer to get back on!), then run a 12week cycle throughout summer.

    my short cycle would consist of:
    Test P, Tren A, ( also have Dbol & winny on hand)

    Something like
    Test P 75mg/day for 5 weeks
    Tren A 50mg/day for 5 weeks
    2 days after last pin: Clomid 50/50/50/50 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Also have HCG on hand

    also, i've never pinned ED, so was thinking double the dosa, EOD... any thoughts? i will try ED first though.

    after this short cycle, my 12 week cycle will be as follows:

    Test E 500mg/wk week 1-12
    EQ 400mg/wk week 1-8
    Tren 300mg/wk week 7-12
    Arimidex at .25 eod on cycle
    hCG 250iu every 3.5days, until week 12

    week 13-14 OFF

    PCT Week 15-18
    clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 (an extra 1 or 2 weeks if needed)

    thoughts on short and longer cycle? (mainly on short cycle...)
    I did a 5wk cycle before and LOVED it. Gained some great mass and kept most of it and continued after cycle into pct keep gaining and getting more cut. I did Test p 600mg EW
    Superdrol 30mg ED

    Recovery was very fast. From how I felt. Make sure to prime urself (search Marcus short burst cycle protocol) it helps a shit ton

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    I have nothing against short cycles. I never run them but I definitely understand the logic behind it and think it's a good idea
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Hey guys just an update with a picture.(honest thoughts) So i just got finished with a 4week blast.. Because im going to be running a 12 weeker January 24. So i wanted to add a little more mass and cut up.

    194lbs dry
    3 cycles
    Bf% guess? Im thinking high 9's and low 10's


    1-4 600mg test p EW
    1-4 50mg Sdrol ED
    1-4 500iu HCG


    <img src=""/> fyi abs are the only body part flexed
    This was when I wanted to add some lean mass without running a long cycle. Hopefully this helps brother
    Last edited by tice1212; 02-25-2015 at 05:56 PM.

  5. #5
    awesome guys! thanks for the replies....

    anyone care to comment on my specific cycle..?
    also, comment on my reasoning...? seems to make sense in my head, but im open to other suggestions....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bombas-tdot View Post
    awesome guys! thanks for the replies....

    anyone care to comment on my specific cycle..?
    also, comment on my reasoning...? seems to make sense in my head, but im open to other suggestions....
    Have u ran tren before? How many cycles have u done. What's ur stats?

  7. #7
    doing that cycle right now 6 weeks hate being off for a long time

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Have u ran tren before? How many cycles have u done. What's ur stats?
    have never done tren before. another reason for wanting to do a shorter cycle of it is to see how i respond/manage sides. im aware of the harsher sides, and have hcg, clomid, arimidex, novaldex and caber to combat sides.

    im 30yrs old, 5'6, 162lbs, 10% bf, have done 4 cycles before of deca and test.

    havent been on for 4 months and im waiting on the result of my BW as we speak. will have bw done again mid cycle and post pct.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    doing that cycle right now 6 weeks hate being off for a long time
    how far into it are you?

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