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Thread: Test prop first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Test prop first cycle

    Right current stats are :
    I have 3 weeks left to cut natually before starting .

    My cycle will be the following :
    8 weeks test prop 150mg eod
    6 weeks anavar at 90mg a day (30mg every 8 hours)
    12.5 Aromasin every day

    Pct will be:
    Clomid 75/75/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    My question is if I eat maintenance cals or 100cals over maintenance will I be able to maintain my current weight and drop under 10% body fat so I am very very lean for summer ?
    Should I do any cardio aswell ?

    Any critiques or advice very welcome

    Thanks for the help
    Last edited by sdog1313; 02-27-2015 at 10:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Well... the thing is over maintenance chance are you wont cut much or any...

    however.... sterpids will increase you metabolism(to a certain extent) therefore what you consider maintenance might not be your true maintenance therefore a small deficit might occur.

    but cutting to 10% in that time frame will require more time or bigger deficit.

    steroids wont burn fat like magic, deficit will... steroids helps however...

    Btw... Pinning EOD for a first timer is a real.pain in the ass...
    Im talking first hand cause my first cycle was prop.
    I assure you that it will get old bery fast.
    you would be better switching for enanthate.

    dropping var would be an option. cause its nice to know how you react on each compound.
    using those two you wont be able to determine which cause what.

    Example: I did severe acne on test. so for next cycle I keep it lower.
    (Thats the only thing keeping me from.running 1g/ week XD)

    if you get acne, or insane pump or hair loss. How can you say FOR SURE that it is test or anavar.
    Plus your anavar might be something else...

    its as you wish but test only for a first cycle is recommended for a reason.

    goos luck
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 02-27-2015 at 10:22 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Your cycle looks ok but I would do clo @ 100/50/50/50 and I didn't see any hcg. It looks like you are going for a recomp .....well, I am a family of either bulking or cutting. You may feel great on cycle at those cals but not sure you are going to end up with much post cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Could I eat above maintenance for 5 weeks then a deficit for 5 weeks and extend the Cycle to 10 weeks ?
    Or what would you suggest the best route would be for me to be 200lbs 10%
    I have 13 weeks to include pct .
    Last edited by sdog1313; 02-27-2015 at 10:21 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdog1313 View Post
    Could I eat above maintenance for 5 weeks then a deficit for 5 weeks and extend the Cycle to 10 weeks ?
    You could but it would be a wash. Pick one and stay there. If you cut and you get the results you want then you can go on maintenance for the rest of the cycle.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sdog1313 View Post
    Could I eat above maintenance for 5 weeks then a deficit for 5 weeks and extend the Cycle to 10 weeks ?
    Or what would you suggest the best route would be for me to be 200lbs 10%
    I have 13 weeks to include pct .
    chance are you wont get 200lbs 10%...
    it would mean about +12lbs muscle and -8lbs fat...

    Not impossible especially for a first cycle butnit would be impressive.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdog1313 View Post
    Could I eat above maintenance for 5 weeks then a deficit for 5 weeks and extend the Cycle to 10 weeks ?
    It's tough to say... As we all react differently! As you know your diet will dictate your gains... Like Buster stated its easier to bulk or cut)... I would just cut being that you can cut well w/the var backloaded... In my experience backloading the var will help cut... Especially if you get down to 12% or less b4 the cycle starts(you will be much happier w/the cycle the lower bf you start at(that goes for bulking as well if your goal is staying lean...

  8. #8
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    Jun 2011
    Ok so I'm going to try and withold from starting the cycle and continue to cut naturally for 4 more weeks.
    To bulk for the entire cycle would a calorie surplus of 250 be enough to grow without adding to much unwanted fat .
    I seem to store fat easier on my belly than the rest of my body so don't want to look soft and blubby at end of cycle .
    Will a couple of cardio sessions a week be enough to keep fat off and should I increase Cals more on the days I do cardio?

    Or would 4 weeks of cutting naturally then continue to cut on cycle until I reach 8% then if time permits start building back up and finish with maintenance cals during pct ?
    Last edited by sdog1313; 02-27-2015 at 10:41 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdog1313 View Post
    Ok so I'm going to try and withold from starting the cycle and continue to cut naturally for 4 more weeks.
    To bulk for the entire cycle would a calorie surplus of 250 be enough to grow without adding to much unwanted fat .
    I seem to store fat easier on my belly than the rest of my body so don't want to look soft and blubby at end of cycle .
    Will a couple of cardio sessions a week be enough to keep fat off and should I increase Cals more on the days I do cardio?
    This is what I would it works for me. Go 300 cals over maintenance and do some cardio but don't kill it. Say cardio twice a week 40 minutes low intensity. That is one approach that I consider a happy medium. I look at cycling two ways: to either spare muscle tissue while cutting or adding muscle tissue while bulking. You must accept some bad weight in order to grow so don't let it hinder your progress or you'll be like a squirrel in the middle of the street.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by sdog1313 View Post
    Right current stats are :
    I have 3 weeks left to cut natually before starting .

    My cycle will be the following :
    8 weeks test prop 150mg eod
    6 weeks anavar at 90mg a day (30mg every 8 hours)
    12.5 Aromasin every day

    Pct will be:
    Clomid 75/75/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    My question is if I eat maintenance cals or 100cals over maintenance will I be able to maintain my current weight and drop under 10% body fat so I am very very lean for summer ?
    Should I do any cardio aswell ?

    Any critiques or advice very welcome

    Thanks for the help
    You don't need to use AAS for fat loss. Also you need to be in a caloric deficit in order to burn fat, or atleast any noticeable amount. Eating 100 calories above maintenance and using AAS will not do anything for you especially trying to burn fat, you need to drop the steroids and go into a caloric deficit. Also you can do cardio, couple times a week. Cardio how ever is not required, if you are worried about muscle loss.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    So would 6 week natural cut and then 7 week bulk be the way to go ?
    I am currently eating 500 cal below maintenance and doing 500cAl incline walking on treadmill everyday and have lost 13lbs since Christmas .
    I'm just getting excited because I've just bought my cycle and pct .

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdog1313 View Post
    So would 6 week natural cut and then 7 week bulk be the way to go ?
    I am currently eating 500 cal below maintenance and doing 500cAl incline walking on treadmill everyday and have lost 13lbs since Christmas .
    I'm just getting excited because I've just bought my cycle and pct .
    Ok........your still hung up on trying to do both in one cycle and you really wont be able to do what you want. 7 weeks on a bulk will not be enough time for any substantial gains.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Ok........your still hung up on trying to do both in one cycle and you really wont be able to do what you want. 7 weeks on a bulk will not be enough time for any substantial gains.
    When I said getting your bf down as low as you can(the lower you start... Your body becomes more anabolic in nature) so the gains will be much better!

    Your best approach is how Buster is explaining... You either want to bulk or cut(not both) and the purpose of AAS is to supplement your already built natural foundation! Whether you want to bulk or cut(it sounds as if you want both... With thT said your better off picking one - bulk maintain off cycle then cut... Or cut on cycle w/the prop and var backload... Just my .02...

    And your best bet is 10-12 wk cycle for best results...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    So If cut on cycle to get below 10% what should I do with calories in pct ?
    And if I decide to cut on cycle should I lower the the test to 100 eod or stick with 150 eod?
    Last edited by sdog1313; 02-27-2015 at 11:54 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdog1313 View Post
    So If cut on cycle to get below 10% what should I do with calories in pct ?
    You keep your calories up during not drop your cals during pct or you will strip away much of your new tissue.

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