Have you guys heard of it they say it lowers your myostatin levels has anyone tried it. Does it even work at all.
Have you guys heard of it they say it lowers your myostatin levels has anyone tried it. Does it even work at all.
You're just looking in the wrong place, bro. The suppliment forum is full of this info.
Yup, myostatin blockers work. They cure all the cancer, HIV, and foreign diseases too not to mention make your penis longer. Hmm why didn't the multibillion dollar pharmacautical companies and academic organizations think to do this. Oh wait, I'm being sarcastic. Sorry, coudn't resist. Go to either pubmed.gov or sciencedirect.com and do a search. The anger and astonishement at the belief in this supplement is too much for me to write right now.
myoblast it's shit man dont spend your money for it
Well I had a feeling they didn't work just wanted to confirm so I won't buy them just stick to the roids.
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