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Thread: Very Irritable

  1. #1
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Very Irritable

    I'm not sure if this belongs in this forum, but I was advised to post it somewhere other than the lounge to, hopefully, get more responses, especially if the subject in question has anything to do with my cycle:

    I've been very irritated for the last couple of weeks. Thoughts from something that may have happened several years ago pop up in my head, and I get really pissed off about it. Like wanting to fight kind of pissed off. I'm generally pretty laid back, but for the last couple of weeks, my temper is really hard to keep under control. I haven't lashed out at anybody or anything like that, but the constant negative thoughts make it hard to concentrate during the day. I'm in my PCT phase right now, but I'm only just now starting the second week. The irritation has been going on for about 2 weeks now, so I don't know what I should chalk this up to. Here is what my cycle consisted of:

    Week 1-4: Test P @ 100 mg EOD
    Week 1-10: Test E @ 500mg/week
    Week 11-12: Test P @ 100 mg EOD
    Week 1-12: HCG @ 500 iu/week
    Week 1-12: 25 mg Aromasin ED

    PCT (currently just starting second week)

    Nolva 50/50/25/25/25/25
    Toremifene 120/80/40/40
    DAA 3,000 mg ED for 4 weeks

    I didn't run into this problem on my last cycle of Test Prop @ 150mg EOD for 16 weeks. I got slightly irritable during my PCT, but it was nothing compared to what I'm feeling now. It's not even a low/depressed feeling; just irriatable/anger. I've been trying to think of what I changed in my regime 2 weeks ago, and the only thing I can come up with is that I stopped my Aromasin around that time in order to manipulate my strength for a powerlifting competition. Do you think that would have an effect on my mood? I'm thinking I should get bloodwork done, although I was going to wait until about 6 weeks afer PCT.


  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I'm not sure if this belongs in this forum, but I was advised to post it somewhere other than the lounge to, hopefully, get more responses, especially if the subject in question has anything to do with my cycle:

    I've been very irritated for the last couple of weeks. Thoughts from something that may have happened several years ago pop up in my head, and I get really pissed off about it. Like wanting to fight kind of pissed off. I'm generally pretty laid back, but for the last couple of weeks, my temper is really hard to keep under control. I haven't lashed out at anybody or anything like that, but the constant negative thoughts make it hard to concentrate during the day. I'm in my PCT phase right now, but I'm only just now starting the second week. The irritation has been going on for about 2 weeks now, so I don't know what I should chalk this up to. Here is what my cycle consisted of:

    Week 1-4: Test P @ 100 mg EOD
    Week 1-10: Test E @ 500mg/week
    Week 11-12: Test P @ 100 mg EOD
    Week 1-12: HCG @ 500 iu/week
    Week 1-12: 25 mg Aromasin ED

    PCT (currently just starting second week)

    Nolva 50/50/25/25/25/25
    Toremifene 120/80/40/40
    DAA 3,000 mg ED for 4 weeks

    I didn't run into this problem on my last cycle of Test Prop @ 150mg EOD for 16 weeks. I got slightly irritable during my PCT, but it was nothing compared to what I'm feeling now. It's not even a low/depressed feeling; just irriatable/anger. I've been trying to think of what I changed in my regime 2 weeks ago, and the only thing I can come up with is that I stopped my Aromasin around that time in order to manipulate my strength for a powerlifting competition. Do you think that would have an effect on my mood? I'm thinking I should get bloodwork done, although I was going to wait until about 6 weeks afer PCT.

    BW is always good but your experienced so I would wait till post cycle bloods unless it doesn't stop then maybe get it checked can't hurt...

    The only thoughts I have are maybe the prop spiked and while your body was used to the dose caused a lil more aggression(prop above 600mgs gives me more aggression)

    I wouldn't think your E2 would become that elevated to a point to cause aggression but maybe the mood swings?! I hope it turns around for you! Hang in there...

    Just thinking out loud here kinda...
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-02-2015 at 04:17 PM.
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  3. #3
    pasha is offline Associate Member
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    Last cycle when i was on PCT i was very irritable as well. I am a really laid back person. but for some reason i felt mad all the time as well. like depressed almost. I've done other cycles before but this just happened to me one time. My cycle consisted of just test p.. So i am curious to see more answers on this post as well.. on what could cause such aggression during PCT. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. #4
    zempey's Avatar
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    I don't recall being pissed off during pct on my last cycle and this cycle I'm going straight to trt cruise so I wont be doing pct. Might just be the low test to estro ratio causing the aggression. I got some weird jealousy thoughts during my tren /test cycle last summer but no more angry than usual. Keep your head on and wait it out I guess, should go away soon.

  5. #5
    NACH3's Avatar
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    My last PCT I got depressed, wanted to sleep a lot, and little things did tend to rub me the wrong way! I didn't lash out either but I sure wanted to(it was a DHT - Primo and ran it at 800 for 14 Wks but that's been my worst!

    Mine did curb but then moreso was depressed...

    I think it'll subside w/time we all hate PCT... Keep your head about you like you have! It's hard.... Hang in there buddy!

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    It actually changes cycle to cycle. I ended dropping clo and started using torem and Nov for pct and they seemed to go smoother. Bw or no bw I think clo plays with your mind pretty hard despite its effectiveness. Some guys seem to have an easier time while others have it rough. Stick through it and consider this as part of the cycle that you might want to look into next go around.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by pasha View Post
    Last cycle when i was on PCT i was very irritable as well. I am a really laid back person. but for some reason i felt mad all the time as well. like depressed almost. I've done other cycles before but this just happened to me one time. My cycle consisted of just test p.. So i am curious to see more answers on this post as well.. on what could cause such aggression during PCT. Hope you feel better soon.
    Sometimes its from the ups and downs of hormone levels during PCT.
    Do you use the DAA during all your PCT's?? I would ditch that in a PCT

  8. #8
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pasha View Post
    Last cycle when i was on PCT i was very irritable as well. I am a really laid back person. but for some reason i felt mad all the time as well. like depressed almost. I've done other cycles before but this just happened to me one time. My cycle consisted of just test p.. So i am curious to see more answers on this post as well.. on what could cause such aggression during PCT. Hope you feel better soon.
    I've never really felt aggression while on cycle before. I've always been pretty level headed. I could understand if this was a PCT issue but, like I said, this started about a week prior to starting PCT. The only thing that changed around that time is I stopped taking the AI.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    It actually changes cycle to cycle. I ended dropping clo and started using torem and Nov for pct and they seemed to go smoother. Bw or no bw I think clo plays with your mind pretty hard despite its effectiveness. Some guys seem to have an easier time while others have it rough. Stick through it and consider this as part of the cycle that you might want to look into next go around.
    I also can't handle the sides from Clomid, which is why I never take it either. This is my first go around with Toremifene; I've heard good things about it. Do you still think adding back in the Aromasin now is a no no due to possibly crashing my E2?

    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Sometimes its from the ups and downs of hormone levels during PCT.
    Do you use the DAA during all your PCT's?? I would ditch that in a PCT
    I used DAA in my last PCT with no problems. I can't tell you how much it helped, but I heard good things about it and it was one of those "it won't hurt" choices.

  9. #9
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    I just want to reiterate that this issue started roughly a week BEFORE starting PCT. The only thing that I can recall changing during that time was dropping the AI.

  10. #10
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post

    I've never really felt aggression while on cycle before. I've always been pretty level headed. I could understand if this was a PCT issue but, like I said, this started about a week prior to starting PCT. The only thing that changed around that time is I stopped taking the AI.

    I also can't handle the sides from Clomid, which is why I never take it either. This is my first go around with Toremifene; I've heard good things about it. Do you still think adding back in the Aromasin now is a no no due to possibly crashing my E2?

    I used DAA in my last PCT with no problems. I can't tell you how much it helped, but I heard good things about it and it was one of those "it won't hurt" choices.
    I would lay off the stane. You can always run your pct an extra week or more if need be.

  11. #11
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I would lay off the stane. You can always run your pct an extra week or more if need be.
    Ok, will do. I just wish I knew what caused this in the first place so I could rectify it. I'm having some really bad brain fog due to it. I didn't feel this way a couple weeks ago.

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