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Thread: Steroid advice- please advice

  1. #1

    Steroid advice- please advice

    Hey there,

    So I am really interested in learning more about steroids and was hoping someone on this site could offer up some helpful information.

    I am a big Crossfitt(er) and attend 4-5 days a week. I am pretty competitive with it too and have been for a few years. I feel pretty strong, could always be stronger, but I am not defined the way I want to be. I want to take my body to the next level and get really ripped. I am lean now, not too skinny though. I don't want to gelt too bulk, like a body builder. I do however, want to have a rocking six pack and BIG biceps and arms. I am looking to put on some size and mass (nothing crazy), but mostly cut up my whole body (especially my abs). A few Crossfit friends recommended Anavar, but based on my research it doesn't seem like that will help me achieve my fitness goals.

    I would love and really appreciate any advice ya'll can give to me including how the cycles will work too. I can not do injectables, so the suggestions must be available in oral form.

    I look forward to speaking soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    What are your stats? Also to everyone else, is there ever any spam or fake stuff(people) in here?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    No injectables?

    Then forget about steroids, they are not for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    What you want is got thru hard work and diet.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post
    Hey there.... I can not do injectables, so the suggestions must be available in oral form....
    Can't do injectables?!! Why not?
    Ya ain't gonna get much support for any oral only cycles, around here. Unless you're a woman...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Maybe cycling is not for you as without an injectable form of tes as a base your cycling experience will be extremely dissapointing.

  7. #7
    Buster Brown, can we talk a little more somewhere?

  8. #8
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post
    Buster Brown, can we talk a little more somewhere?
    You only have 2 posts you can't PM or Recrive them yet either... It's in the Rules and Guidelines!

    Why can't you post up your ? Here?!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    If you crossfit 4-5 days a week and you're eating well you should get the results you're looking for naturally. If you've been doing it for a few years and you don't have a 6 pack and good biceps, you either eat really bad, you don't train hard, or you should find a new gym (box)

    I have trained BB style all my mid twenties and now in my thirty's have been in crossfit for the last 5 months, 5 days a week and the results are insane for me

    Look at and evaluate your diet, your training or your coach before looking to steroids.

  10. #10
    What would Anavar do for me? I want to bulk up and get ripped up, so I know steroids will help push my fitness and body to the next level. Friends keep mentioning Anavar...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Stats ? and Anavar only is for women

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    You need to run test(and you must inject it)! If you can't inject don't bother cycling it's not worth you wasting your money IMHO!

  13. #13
    What kind of tests? And where do I do them at?

    Also, is Anavar really only beneficial for women? I'm not looking to get big like a bodybuilder. Just want to put on a little mass, but mostly just rip up what I have. More advice please...

  14. #14
    What kind of stats?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Height weight body fat and overall training time

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Anavar is weak on its own that's why its recommended for women. Men inject testosterone

  17. #17
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post
    What kind of tests? And where do I do them at?

    Also, is Anavar really only beneficial for women? I'm not looking to get big like a bodybuilder. Just want to put on a little mass, but mostly just rip up what I have. More advice please...
    Test = Testosterone and you have the choice of Test E, Test C, Test P and Test base. Most people choose Test E or C, they are for the most part identical and you only need to inject once a week but it's best to do it 2x a week. Test P you need to use at least every other day and test base 2x a day.

    Anavar is a pretty weak anabolic for men but you still need to use injectable Test E even if you use Anavar because it will stop/suppress your natural testosterone production.

    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post
    What kind of stats?
    Stats =
    body fat
    Training experience
    Diet experience

  18. #18

    What would you recommend using to achieve the gains I want in my body? It seems like Anavar isn't what is best and may be a waste of money? I have trypanophobia, which mean I can't take injections. Do the Test supplements come in a pill form? Is it not as effective?

    You were extremely thorough and for that I am so grateful. You are really amazing at clarifying things.

  19. #19
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post

    What would you recommend using to achieve the gains I want in my body? It seems like Anavar isn't what is best and may be a waste of money? I have trypanophobia, which mean I can't take injections. Do the Test supplements come in a pill form? Is it not as effective?

    You were extremely thorough and for that I am so grateful. You are really amazing at clarifying things.
    You should stop thinking about steroids, they can really mess you up at 19 years old.

  20. #20
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    Apr 2008
    Start by reading this link below. We have mostly all been there done or almost done that. I was as close as I had the AAS in hand and ready to use when I was your age. Luckily I also just could not pin myself so I didnt do it. Hind sight being 20/20 thank god I didnt knowing what I know now. You really dont want to risk damaging your HPTA.

    NO, dont try any of those worthless test boosters. The few that do work it's because they have pro hormones and will do a LOT more harm than good. All the positive reviews you read on them are paid for. There is a whole industry of people being paid .02 for each positive feedback they leave for various companies and make a living sitting behind a computer leaving random comments on stuff they know nothing about.

    If you want to boost your test levels then focus on diet and training. You will be far ahead of the game than most people your age in a couple of years without any of the negative side effects. Ive know plenty who started young and cant think of any who ended well. Trust me, there is live after 25 and even 30...

    We have many people who are here your age and older who have decided to wait and dont regret it one bit although it is always at temptation to use aas but they know better. We have a great forum for diet and training so there is plenty here for you to learn while also learning about how to cycle properly when you are ready physically, physiologically and chronically.

  21. #21

    Is there a way we can chat privately, please?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post

    Is there a way we can chat privately, please?
    No, you dont have enough post for PM and there really is not a need. Anything you need to ask can be asked here. There are other people who may want to chime in and also plenty with more experience and education so dont be shy.

  23. #23
    Gotcha. Well, I am in my mid-twenties, so I think the young and steroids article need not apply to me. I thought the purpose of certain steroids was to rip your body up and burn the fat to loose fat, therefore exposing your muscles even more? And I want to see results fast. I am 6'0, male, weigh about 170 pounds and don't know my body fat percentage.

    Which steroids are the BEST at ripping you up in a 10-12 week cycle? Aside from Anavar, I've had friends recommend Winstrol.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post
    Gotcha. Well, I am in my mid-twenties, so I think the young and steroids article need not apply to me. I thought the purpose of certain steroids was to rip your body up and burn the fat to loose fat, therefore exposing your muscles even more? And I want to see results fast. I am 6'0, male, weigh about 170 pounds and don't know my body fat percentage.

    Which steroids are the BEST at ripping you up in a 10-12 week cycle? Aside from Anavar, I've had friends recommend Winstrol.
    Diet/training/cardio & genetics will dictate your gains(& steroids are only a supplement to an already achieved foundation)...Firstly your first cycle should consist of test only... but I wouldn't recommend cycling til your HPTA has matured(25-26 yrs old usually), and your Epiphysial plates arent fused yet either!

    Cycling should be the last thing on your mind! Get that diet & Training Program dialed in and your testosterone is high naturally at your age use it!
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-08-2015 at 03:28 PM. Reason: Took out sample stack...

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post

    Which steroids are the BEST at ripping you up in a 10-12 week cycle? Aside from Anavar, I've had friends recommend Winstrol.
    You need to stop listening to your so called friends.

    I'm telling you right now... Don't touch winstrol and do crossfit... You will be hurting. Your joints will hurt so bad you will stop working out. I've seen it first hand.

    I think a few people have mentioned a good diet.... What are you thoughts on that?

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post

    Which steroids are the BEST at ripping you up in a 10-12 week cycle?.
    Quote Originally Posted by musicalstar90 View Post
    ....I have trypanophobia, which mean I can't take injections...
    If this is the case, you have 2 choices, in my opinion.

    1- go to therapy, to get over your phobia. ( Google NLP phobia cure. It works! )

    2- forget about doing any steroid cycle. You must inject!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    If this is the case, you have 2 choices, in my opinion.

    1- go to therapy, to get over your phobia. ( Google NLP phobia cure. It works! )

    2- forget about doing any steroid cycle. You must inject!
    ^^ Agreed....

    Also... consider food. A good Diet can do wonders

  28. #28
    Thank guys

    In your opinion, what are steroids used for then? And who is an ideal candidate for them?

    I feel I am a great candidate for steroids since I already eat well and have a good body foundation. My genetics won't allow me to have huge biceps or a greatly defined six pack no matter how hard I work it seems. I am gluten and diary intolerant already, so my carb and 'fatty things' intake is low.

    If I were to do a cycle or two of steroids, which would I use and for how long? What is dieting like on steroids and how would it change my workout regimen. How would I feel on them? Friends have said they feel like 'Superman.' I don't know how far-fetched that is.

    I work out hard, I work out often...summer is nearing and I want to get really ripped. Tired of working out hard and not looking like I work out or diet as hardcore as I do.

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